Roberta, I use the "Instant Play" button at PokerRoom -- no large download required.
JPB wrote:Roberta, I use the "Instant Play" button at PokerRoom -- no large download required.
I thought of that; but then figured that that must be more taxing on bandwidth, which is where she's limited by dial up. I think she's better off biting the bullet and getting as much info as possible on her desktop in advance. I could be wrong.
Instant play does required a fairly new version of java. I'm not sure about the downloaded version.
Sorry to be a little late in the day about this but what does being a "prop player" in a casino entail? Is it to fill empty tables?
Dorothy Parker wrote:Sorry to be a little late in the day about this but what does being a "prop player" in a casino entail? Is it to fill empty tables?
Yes. Essentially they are there to insure that a game is available. Our fearless leader began his pro career as such, before deciding he could make more dough moving around. A prop player doesn't share his winnings with the Casino; so there's nothing wrong with it. Were I staying in a small Hotel whose casino doesn't get a lot of poker action; I would consider it a service that they provide such, and a disservice if they didn't.
ok, thanks OCCOM Bill. Need to ask another thing.
So if the prop player doesn't share winnings with the casino but happens to have a terrible losing streak, what happens then? Is it just tough? Or would they get laid off by the casino for not playing well enough or what?
Dorothy Parker wrote:ok, thanks OCCOM Bill. Need to ask another thing.
So if the prop player doesn't share winnings with the casino but happens to have a terrible losing streak, what happens then? Is it just tough? Or would they get laid off by the casino for not playing well enough or what?
Typically; I believe the casino simply agrees to seed the players bankroll at the beginning of the day. I doubt they could care less whether that player is successful or not thereafter. They'd probably love an unsuccessful prop player; but where would you find one willing to lose day after day?
Actually, all props I know play with their own money, the casino usually pays per hour or per diem or somesuch. The casino doesn't care how the props do at all, that's the props' problem.
A losing prop player never lasts long, so the casino prefers good players if they are serious about using props.
what's with all the Latin guys?
I'm confused myself. If per diem simply means per day; I don't know how that differs from my explanation.
Well, for one it may not be anywhere near the buy in that the player puts up.
Craven de Kere wrote:Well, for one it may not be anywhere near the buy in that the player puts up.
I guess I could have been clearer; I sure didn't mean to suggest otherwise. Have you signed up for "PokerRoom" yet?
Yeah, I have my account already.

Where the hell is Gus? (Probably cowering somewhere at least 20 feet from the nearest internet connection).
Do you mind sharing your screen name (PM is fine if you don't want it public)? I am, of course, OCCOMBILL.
I'm CravenDeKere on PokerRoom. I setup a private table (play money) called Able2Know. I have to do some work on the computer so I'll be there while I'm online and play with anyone who shows up.