That's incredible Craven! Wow, do I admire your courage. I have actually considered doing the same since my restaurants folded, because I'm no fan of corporate crap either
and the only thing I really excel at is managing sales forces
which isn't really very enjoyable or fulfilling (though my current position would have me being your neighbor in Escazu within a year).
Tell me; how good are you? I mean, how did you determine you are qualified? Have you played extensively in live tournaments? Live Casino games? Against Pros or amateurs? Online? I found that on Party Poker I can hold my own, but can never quite win enough to cover the rakes in the long run. I can play the same $50 for hundreds or hours, but eventually get bored and sloppy. In person, I've only played local amateurs, who are not terribly skilled, and I dominate 8 games out of 10
but I have no way of relating that to playing in a casino. I can figure my outs and pot odds, almost instantly and accurately
and believe I'm better than average at picking up tells, but I've never tested myself against real players for real dough.
How did you get an invite from a Vegas Casino? I don't remember ever reading about you spending much time there?
Please tell your tale
I'm fascinated!
And of course, I wish you the best of luck and a lots of rushes before you suffer a dry spell.
Ps. Is it just me; or does Daniel Negreanu seem to have superhuman abilities to read his opponents?