Lord E, what you're saying about parents of boys is
so true.
When we first moved in together, it just drove me
nuts that Mr Cypher wasn't doing any housework. I'd always ask him if his parents had raised him in some 50's, let-the-wimminfolk-do-that kind of way, and he'd say no, his dad did housework; so I had no idea why he didn't seem to think he should do any.
Well, after some reflection I thought to ask if his parents had taught him any of this kind of thing. Turns out, no, they did not. Didn't teach him to cook, clean, fix things, nothing! It still kind of shocks me. I mean, my parents just always showed me what they were doing, and explained things to me as they went along; why on earth wouldn't you tell your kids how to do things? Eh, Mr Cypher's parents, oy...
And it turns out that he really enjoys cooking, so he was missing out on that before, too!
Anyway, mommies, don't let your sons grow up to be useless....