Lord E, Ashers love you..
Then tell me one more thing. Do men always try to find someone else to blame them for their miseries? You don't have to answer that.
My husband grew up away from his parents in a residential school. So sometimes I feel he lacks the practical knowledge of running a household. He does not understand the smaller things that builds the household. My father in law is a very able man. He never let his son do anything when he would visit home during his vacations. So there you go... My step mother-in-law believes in Men sharing work in the house but being a step mom couldn't influence my husband much.
linkat great plan!! Love that. I have 2 boys. I am bringing them up well. My older one knows to keep his shoes and toys in place. He knows to fold his clothes. He helps in setting up the dinner table and helps me in loading the laundry.
flushd, I like your way of thinking and that is what I have been doing for past sometime. Things are improving. I just don't do it, if I can't. I tell him, I can't. But things in my house don't get done if I don't take care. I can sit back and see if things will happen if I don't take responsibility. They just don't happen. If I don't move my finger, my son will not have breakfast, will miss school bus, my young one will continuously loose his nap and his feed times. Yes, I like control too. But I am ready to give it up. Because I have figured there is no way I can do it all alone.
butrflynet, I want family to participate in household work. My husband earns so much that he can hire 4 helps and not cut back on any expenses.(we already have help) But I don't want that. Like Ashers, I want my sons to learn to work in the house and take care of themselves when I will not be around. With a hired person, we all get lazy, really. Well again.. as flushd said may be I still have control issues.
Ok here is an example. This morning I am getting my workout done. That is the only time of the day I can get a workout and I am a fitness freak. Baby gets up earlier than planned and is crying. I ignore, thinking dad will chip in. Baby cries for 5 more minutes. I ignore, dad is ignoring too
Thankfully, I was about to finish. So I went ahead and picked him up.
Venting feels so good.. thank you folks. You guys are great.