extra medium wrote:hmmm....can i have a minute to think about it?
sure. taking a minute off is always a good idea.
extra medium wrote:do you do any miracles or anything to prove you qualify as substitute personal jesus?
miracles happen all the time - all creation is miraculous! the moment you truly realize that, you won't need to place any of these questions because you remember you're
one with it. you remember that
you are oneness.
also i'm not interested in proving anyone anything, as i already have written. there is nothing i can do for you, only give hints to help you remember yourself. i'm in a process myself, i'm not ready - if i was i might not even be here anymore. one thing i can tell you now is enlightenment is available for anyone looking and ready for it, no one is excluded from that.
if i took the juggler's path i might soon enough lose the actual connection and become conditioned to your expectations - only following the wishes of yours and showing you tricks that you wish to see. that would not do you good, since they'd still be just tricks only feeding your mind's fathomless hunger for amusement, and that would definitely not do me good either since that would be to abandon my own path - the path to who i really am. so there's no point in such a thing. if you open yourself up you'll witness all the miracles yourself - and what's greatest: by your own will and design!
we, along with the rest of the creation, are condensed structural portions of the energy of the oneness -the infinite mind- experiencing itself subjectively.
if i ever sounded tired or pissed here it's because i'm currently in a situation in my life where i'm bound to a deal i've made and i'm not quite done with it yet and that strains me and "keeps" me from stepping into what i've so far only briefly experienced yet what is to be the next true step in my life. an enlightenment of some level.
the human mind though always seeks for proof, and i've gone through that doubt in my own process and found evidence that the mind no longer can deny. but obviously since it's nothing concrete i can't give it to anyone else. yet, the funny part is that such proof is not required for the experience itself - the only thing you need is to let go of your thinking and chattering mind and be free! proofs are only needed by the lower mind and whatever will be shown to it it still won't believe. it sees the proof, it can't deny it, but still it won't grasp the idea
behind the proof that actually was presented.
the mind escapes the divine experience - and vice versa. the mind is good for operating here, in the mundane, but is as they say about fire: a good servant but a bad host. the only way a
release can take place is to leave the mind and thoughts. anyone can do that, although it might seem difficult -even impossible- at first - which is perfectly logical since/if one has conditioned one's being for about the whole of this incarnation to believe that the world-view of the thinking mind is the be-all and end-all.
if you're looking for a release i'd suggest to go inside you and follow the path of
ease. whatever it is in -or for you- that feels the most pleasant -easiest- is the straightest path to greater realms.
or, this has been my experience. i could be wrong tho.