Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 09:20 am
It has always been difficult for me to vote for anyone for president, so I generally vote against the person I think is the greater evil. Now, certain posters on this thread have taken me to task for this, saying that if I voted for someone, perhaps . . . gee! no one is sufficiently liberal to garner my vote. I wish presidents would start governing from the left! These centrists to rightists pols wear me down.
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 04:42 pm

You vote for the lesser of two perceived evils and you voted for the wrong guy... it happens.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 05:01 pm
Oh, maporsche, most people already view Obama's Stimulus as a failure or, at best, too tardy to lift the Unemployment rate from 9.7%. As I am sure you are aware, U-6 is at 16.9%. But, you are correct, of course. Why should the redistributionist, Obama. let go of the money? It gives him so much power to reward his base so that they will vote for more left wingers in the future.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 05:12 pm
That is tempting, djjd62, but it has never happened and it probably won't. Don't you remember, djjd62, when this handsome(sic) athletic( sic) articulate candidate was pressed on us by the media? He was wonderman--the change artist-the hope for the future. Now, it is likely that he will be written of in the History Books as the president who ruined the American Economy and made it necessary( look this up, djjd62) that we get out of debt slowly with a VAT tax.

In one election, a little man named Perot enabled Slick Willie to win the election.
Slick Willie never received more than half of the votes in either election.

Who shall we vote for djjd62? Well, my cousin in Europe agrees with you. They are all crooks, he says. But, he says he votes for the lesser evil. Therefore, djjd62, I would vote for the persons I think will protect my personal freedoms to a greater extent. I would never ever vote for anyone who promises "re-distribution" of resources, as Obama did. That is far too Socialistic for me. My grandfather's body lies in the ruins of what was called Leningrad--one of the capitals of the re-distributionists. He hated those bastards!
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 06:11 pm
I get the feeling that you prefer the Republican way of governing, which is borrow and spend. We can have all for nothing. Hopefully, those days are over with.
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 06:47 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:07 pm
Advocate wrote:

I get the feeling that you prefer the Republican way of governing, which is borrow and spend. We can have all for nothing. Hopefully, those days are over with.

Pardon me, but you must have looked away briefly while you where typing. You accidentally typed that the Republican way of governing is to borrow and spend.... Have you seen what Obama and his group have been doing??
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:12 pm
Historically, Democrats have been borrow and spend. Republicans have been tax and spend. The distinction has become blurred for the past several years, but those are more or less traditional distinctions.

I am much afraid of how it will play out when our borrowers quit lending.
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:21 pm
Republicans have been tax and spend. The distinction has become blurred for the past several years, but those are more or less traditional distinctions.

Ah, so the definition of "several" now can mean thirty-five....I was not aware. Who can forget the thrill of tax cutting the Reagan washed in with.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:23 pm
Buffalo wrote:

Advocate wrote:

I get the feeling that you prefer the Republican way of governing, which is borrow and spend. We can have all for nothing. Hopefully, those days are over with.

Pardon me, but you must have looked away briefly while you where typing. You accidentally typed that the Republican way of governing is to borrow and spend.... Have you seen what Obama and his group have been doing??

Do you not realize that the health care bill recently passed is paid for by a combination of spending cuts and increased taxes - NOT borrowing money and spending it, as the Republicans did continually under Bush?

The Republican way - since Reagan - IS to borrow and spend.

Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:31 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Buffalo wrote:

Advocate wrote:

I get the feeling that you prefer the Republican way of governing, which is borrow and spend. We can have all for nothing. Hopefully, those days are over with.

Pardon me, but you must have looked away briefly while you where typing. You accidentally typed that the Republican way of governing is to borrow and spend.... Have you seen what Obama and his group have been doing??

Do you not realize that the health care bill recently passed is paid for by a combination of spending cuts and increased taxes - NOT borrowing money and spending it, as the Republicans did continually under Bush?

The Republican way - since Reagan - IS to borrow and spend.


And how many MORE trillions of dollars will the ObamaCare program add to the US deficit in addition to what he has already added with his other programs?
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:35 pm
And how many MORE trillions of dollars will the ObamaCare program add to the US deficit in addition to what he has already added with his other programs?

According to the CBO, it will SAVE money on the deficit. Even if you don't believe they are right, it's still a bit of a jump to move to 'trillions more' added to the debt by it.

I think a much more accurate conclusion would be that you don't know much about either the HC bill or the Republican record on spending.

Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:39 pm

According to the CBO, it will SAVE money on the deficit. Even if you don't believe they are right, it's still a bit of a jump to move to 'trillions more' added to the debt by it.

I think a much more accurate conclusion would be that you don't know much about either the HC bill or the Republican record on spending.


Time will tell. I sure hope you are correct, because apparently the American people don't have a say in it anyway.
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:43 pm

Time will tell. I sure hope you are correct, because apparently the American people don't have a say in it anyway.

Are you kidding me? The American people get to vote just like they always do. They had no more or less a say on this issue then they do ANY issue. Is it worth reminding you that the vast majority of Democrats, the huge majority, ran on passing HC reform of some type during their last election? And that people elected them to do this?

Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 07:53 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


Time will tell. I sure hope you are correct, because apparently the American people don't have a say in it anyway.

Are you kidding me? The American people get to vote just like they always do. They had no more or less a say on this issue then they do ANY issue. Is it worth reminding you that the vast majority of Democrats, the huge majority, ran on passing HC reform of some type during their last election? And that people elected them to do this?


OK. So when it all fails, we have the American people to blame? I won't.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 08:19 pm
And to make government big, bigger, biggest while pretending that it is not!

Government is not the problem, Wall Street and industrialists are the problem.
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 08:20 pm
Actually, the lobbyists have more say than the people. So much for democracy.
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 09:12 pm
Pull the strong on the liberal talking machine, and out comes the word "lobbyists." You were so brainwashed and programmed sometime in your past, pom, I would be embarrassed if I were you. Lobbyists actually are a part of democracy, if not for them, our representatives would be even more ignorant than they are. Actually, lobbyists serve as protectionists because of over-intrusion of the government into our business in the first place. If government was not so involved in stuff that they have no business being involved in, there would be alot less need for lobbyists to try to educate Congress in what they are involved in and to try to prevent needless, damaging, and pointless over-regulation of our businesses and our lives.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Apr, 2010 09:15 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


Time will tell. I sure hope you are correct, because apparently the American people don't have a say in it anyway.

Are you kidding me? The American people get to vote just like they always do. They had no more or less a say on this issue then they do ANY issue. Is it worth reminding you that the vast majority of Democrats, the huge majority, ran on passing HC reform of some type during their last election? And that people elected them to do this?


By the way... Scott Brown
Reply Tue 6 Apr, 2010 12:21 am

By the way... Scott Brown

Scott Brown what? You didn't finish your sentence.


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