Wednesday, August 08, 2007
John Stossel: I Support Universal Health Care In Wisconsin
By Rob on August 8, 2007 at 10:19 am
Why, you're asking yourself, would an avowed libertarian like Stossel say he supports government health care? Because he wants it to fail, thus presenting an object lesson for the rest of the nation.
The fall of the Soviet Union deprived us of the biggest example of how socialism works. We need laboratories of failure to demonstrate what socialism is like. All we have now is Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, the U.S. Post Office, and state motor-vehicle departments.
It's not enough. Wisconsin can show the other 49 states what "universal" coverage is like.
Quite right.
As I pointed out, the Wisconsin health care plan is doomed to fail. Already the sponsors of it are saying that it will cost about $3 billion more than the state already takes in revenue from income, sales and corporate income taxes. The new revenue from the program will come from payroll taxes paid by working citizens of Wisconsin, though one need not be a worker in Wisconsin to qualify for the program. One need only be a citizen, which requires nothing more than residency for a year.
So what's the end result going to be? Sounds to me like workers will flee the excessively higher taxes while lay-abouts who can't be bothered to provide for themselves move in to cash in on this new entitlement.
It will fail, and America should be paying attention as it fails.