Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:33 am
okie wrote:

"Profit motive," you speak of that in your arrogance as if you are holier than those that worked to earn it. Its called hard work and liberty. At least people can earn profits, Obama and his fellow travelers never earned anything, and I would challenge him to try it for a change, instead of stealing it from those that did earn it so that he can give it to his supporters and voters.

You didn't answer the question: what benefit does for-profit insurance provide? What makes it better than not-for-profit insurance?

Try ignoring your hate and fear of Obama for just one ******* minute and actually answer a simple question, Okie. If you can.

Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:35 am
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

I don't support any of those people, and you know it.

You are supporting their economic idealogy and you know it. Be honest. Have the decency of that.

No, I am not supporting their economic ideology. Are you really so dense, that you can't remember the exact words that I have written to you over and over again?

Jesus christ, it's like having a conversation with a ******* fencepost sometimes, Okie. You don't give a **** what I actually say, you just want someone you can point to and call names.

Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:36 am
Then quit supporting Obama. You can't have it both ways. It makes you a liar if you do. Or just downright dumb.
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:40 am
okie wrote:

Then quit supporting Obama. You can't have it both ways. It makes you a liar if you do. Or just downright dumb.

If you believe that supporting Obama is the same thing as supporting Hitler or Mao, you're a ******* idiot, Okie. Comments like yours above are ridiculous and are really nothing more than a continued attempt to dodge an exceedingly simple question I have posed you:

What benefits are brought about by for-profit insurance? Why should we support a system of for-profit insurance?

I am uninterested in any further conversation which does not begin with an answer to those questions today, Okie. I don't have the time or patience to deal with your childishness.

Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:43 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

okie wrote:

"Profit motive," you speak of that in your arrogance as if you are holier than those that worked to earn it. Its called hard work and liberty. At least people can earn profits, Obama and his fellow travelers never earned anything, and I would challenge him to try it for a change, instead of stealing it from those that did earn it so that he can give it to his supporters and voters.

You didn't answer the question: what benefit does for-profit insurance provide? What makes it better than not-for-profit insurance?

Try ignoring your hate and fear of Obama for just one ******* minute and actually answer a simple question, Okie. If you can.


Good grief, what absolute stupidity. What benefit does your local hardware store provide when they make a profit? What benefit does your car dealer parovide when he makes a profit? Are you really that dumb?

You know cyclops, I have gotten to the point that I can't stand the stupidity on this board any longer, the absolute total ignorance of people that do not or will not support the concept of basic economics in a free market system. You seem so dumb as to not even understand the concept of profit. Some of the stuff you post here is downright silly, unless you are a Marxist, which of course you have virtually admitted to, but then you try to act as if you haven't. Make up your mind, are you or not. Of course Marxists hate profits and do not believe in them, I know that, everybody should know that.

If you hate profits and do not think they are beneficial, then go all the way now, advocate the government take over everything now, not just the medical insurance business, but car and homeowners insurance, the grocery business, the hardware business, Walmart's business, the whole thing, go for it, cyclops. But count on one thing, there will be millions of us here opposing it, just as we are the Obamacare.
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:46 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

If you believe that supporting Obama is the same thing as supporting Hitler or Mao, you're a ******* idiot, Okie. Comments like yours above are ridiculous and are really nothing more than a continued attempt to dodge an exceedingly simple question I have posed you:Cycloptichorn

The truth hurts, but yes, Hitler, Mao, and Stalin, all hated profits, and that is exactly what you are opposing, and exactly what Obama rants about constantly, and it is one of the cornerstones of the arguments for Obama care.

You cannot have it both ways, cyclops, you cannot hate profits and then claim that it is not the same as communists also ranted about. They loved to hate profits, hence they worshiped at the feet of their beloved State. No different than you.
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:49 am

You didn't answer the question. Please answer the question, rather than write all this useless bullshit.

I understand the concept of profits better then you do, because you're a ******* idiot and don't understand anything better than I do. So. With that in mind, explain to me what for-profit health insurance benefits anyone.

I will tell ya right now that the only people it benefits are the rich owners of the companies and rich investors. It does not benefit the clients one bit, and actually it hurts them significantly, for the only way the companies make profits is to NOT SERVE their clients!

Hardware stores and car dealerships make profits by serving their clients' needs. Health insurance makes profits only by NOT paying for things. It's called the medical-loss ratio. The fact that you chose two durable-goods industries to compare it to really reflects that you don't understand the first thing about insurance, medical insurance, or how it works. At all.

Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 10:51 am
okie wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

If you believe that supporting Obama is the same thing as supporting Hitler or Mao, you're a ******* idiot, Okie. Comments like yours above are ridiculous and are really nothing more than a continued attempt to dodge an exceedingly simple question I have posed you:Cycloptichorn

The truth hurts, but yes, Hitler, Mao, and Stalin, all hated profits, and that is exactly what you are opposing, and exactly what Obama rants about constantly, and it is one of the cornerstones of the arguments for Obama care.

You cannot have it both ways, cyclops, you cannot hate profits and then claim that it is not the same as communists also ranted about. They loved to hate profits, hence they worshiped at the feet of their beloved State. No different than you.

I am sorry to report that your level of idiocy has indeed earned you a time-out, Okie. Perhaps we can continue this conversation after you've decided to stop being an ass.

Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 11:01 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I am sorry to report that your level of idiocy has indeed earned you a time-out, Okie. Perhaps we can continue this conversation after you've decided to stop being an ass.


Fine with me.

Folks, I have decided to speak out completely here, it is time for the truth to be told. At one time, I hoped for the best in Obama, that maybe I was wrong, perhaps he was more moderate than I feared, but no more. I have come to believe we are in fact dealing with an avowed Marxist at heart, and those of us that oppose that and still believe in freedom, liberty, capitalism, the right to own property, and the great American tradition starting with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and it is time to say so, and declare our opposition to Obama and all that he is pushing.

And on this forum, honesty is paramount, and you leftists, if you really believe in Marxist principles and hate profits, say so and admit it, then we can have an honest disagreement. But claiming to believe in both capitalism and what Obama is doing, no way folks, you cannot have it both ways. That does not just apply to cyclops, it applies to everyone here. And it applies to every American. Every American needs to make up their minds, make a choice, but every American needs to realize the importance and impact of their choice and be prepared to live with the consequences. Unfortunately in a democracy, if you vote to give up your liberty and freedom, it affects every citizen of this country, liberal and conservative alike.

I am appealing to the decency in every American, to vote for freedom and liberty, and to turn the tide against the liberal leftist push toward more socialism, Fascism, and Marxism. When you start demonizing profits, confiscating property, confiscating businesses, and taking away the freedoms and liberties of Americans, you may think it only applies to the rich guy down the street, but at some point it applies to every man, woman, and child, in this country. Wake up, folks.
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 11:28 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
what benefit does for-profit insurance provide? What makes it better than not-for-profit insurance?Cycloptichorn

Yes, this is a window into the philosophy of the extreme leftist in this country. This is a microcosm of the country envisioned by cyclops, and president Obama.

Ask yourself also, what benefit is your paycheck to your family, over and above basic survival? Of what benefit is it to you? Why not just work for the State, and let the State take care of you. You no longer need any profit, or property or bank accounts, or anything, the almighty State will now take care of you. After all, of what benefit would any of those things like property or bank accounts be to anyone? If you break your leg, call (Obama's) "The Peoples" ambulance. If you are hungry, go to Obama's food lines. If you need a coat, call Obama's coat czar. Obama will take care of you, your benevolent dictator. Now those little songs being taught the kiddees about Obama, it all makes sense now. He is so wonderful, he loves us all.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 03:36 pm
Just heard an interview of Pat Caddell, and the man said Washington is out of control and is acting like a banana republic.

They push a bill that will further break the country, but claim it is revenue positive, the Democrats have lost their minds, if they ever had any. It seems that the government is being run by a bunch of children that never grew up. They apparently were given everything by their parents and never learned how to be responsible, so they continue to practice their irresponsibility on the country, on the rest of us, and unfortunately there are enough people that voted for these people based upon their promise to give them something. Voter bribery. And also, anybody in Congress that needed bribing to get their votes for the bill, no problem, they can do that too. It is a mindset, a way of life, buy now, pay later. They don't care if they break the country, and Obama is well on his way to doing it. The only thing that matters to them now is to concoct some legislation that they think will satisfy their voters and increase their voter base, based upon them giving them something for nothing.

Will the conservative mainstream America rise up and vote these people out next election? Its our only hope, folks.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 03:42 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

okie wrote:

Then quit supporting Obama. You can't have it both ways. It makes you a liar if you do. Or just downright dumb.

If you believe that supporting Obama is the same thing as supporting Hitler or Mao, you're a ******* idiot, Okie. Comments like yours above are ridiculous and are really nothing more than a continued attempt to dodge an exceedingly simple question I have posed you:

What benefits are brought about by for-profit insurance? Why should we support a system of for-profit insurance?

I am uninterested in any further conversation which does not begin with an answer to those questions today, Okie. I don't have the time or patience to deal with your childishness.


This ignorant post by cyclops makes me want to scream. What idiocy this is. He claims to not support leftist policies, calls me an idiot, and then launches into a question of what benefit is a "for profit insurance?" And he thinks other people are childish, not him? Holy Cow!!!!!!!

Good grief, has the educational system in this country been this bad for this long, or is this just individual dumbness? Or both?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 03:45 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


You didn't answer the question. Please answer the question, rather than write all this useless bullshit.

I understand the concept of profits better then you do, because you're a ******* idiot and don't understand anything better than I do. So. With that in mind, explain to me what for-profit health insurance benefits anyone.

I will tell ya right now that the only people it benefits are the rich owners of the companies and rich investors. It does not benefit the clients one bit, and actually it hurts them significantly, for the only way the companies make profits is to NOT SERVE their clients!

Hardware stores and car dealerships make profits by serving their clients' needs. Health insurance makes profits only by NOT paying for things. It's called the medical-loss ratio. The fact that you chose two durable-goods industries to compare it to really reflects that you don't understand the first thing about insurance, medical insurance, or how it works. At all.


Another illustration of utter stupidity in regard to profits and how the economy works.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 03:55 pm
Wow, Okie says that Pat Caddell has ranted against the Dems' health-care reform. Well, I guess we can all go home because this regular on Pox News calls everything right. He was a leading advisor to Jimmy Carter. What better recommendation is there than that. Remember when Jimmy brought us 20 % interest rates.
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 04:20 pm
Health care bill could face storm of legal challenges as opponents prepare to challenge its constitutionality.

Health Care Bill Could Face String of Legal Challenges
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Dec, 2009 08:30 pm
Advocate wrote:

Wow, Okie says that Pat Caddell has ranted against the Dems' health-care reform. Well, I guess we can all go home because this regular on Pox News calls everything right. He was a leading advisor to Jimmy Carter. What better recommendation is there than that. Remember when Jimmy brought us 20 % interest rates.

I am not endorsing Caddell. I simply pointed out that even he can see that we are headed leftward faster than even he could have ever imagined. When you have a family member pointing out that another family member is really screwed up, I think you need to take notice. It is not just Republicans that are sounding the warning, now you have more Democrats doing the same thing.

Also, we have just now had a Democrat switch parties, and this is why:

"Rep. Parker Griffith, a freshman Democrat from Alabama, announced Tuesday that he is switching parties to become a Republican.

"I believe our nation is at a crossroads and I can no longer align myself with a party that continues to pursue legislation that is bad for our country, hurts our economy, and drives us further and further into debt," Griffith, 67, said at a press conference at his home, according to the Associated Press. "

Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 07:39 am

Rep. Griffith Was Already A Republican
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 07:51 am
Pres. Obama Was Already A Fascists.
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 07:54 am
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Dec, 2009 07:59 am
okie wrote:
yes, Hitler, Mao, and Stalin, all hated profits,

If you can be so wrong on something so simple, there's no point in reading you any further.

Good night and good luck chuck.
0 Replies

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