Yes... like C.I. and probably most others who aren’t down on their luck. Your plan makes the most sense, but there are no campaign donations in it so it will be demonized by both sides.
I wonder how many people would like to pay an education insurance company to act as a middleman between parents and schools for a profit. The idiocy involved with "insuring" everyone should be self evident. Why not just provide the healthcare?
How much dough is wasted paying morons to decide who qualifies for assistance now? How much dough is wasted paying people to process mountains of paperwork in general? How much dough is wasted because poor people don't get routine checkups and preventative medicine? Add all the parasitic waste together alone, and it probably exceeds the excess cost of universal healthcare by large margin... if not for the moronic idea of fattening private insurance companies along the way.
Even if it doesn't, who are we as a people, the richest country the planet has ever known, to stand by and watch some sorry sonofabitch suffer because he/she made stupid choices in the past?
I am as "rationally self interested" as any member here, and while I fully believe a well designed single payer system would cost me no more than the private-parasite-system does now; even if it did, I would consider it money well spent, as it could only have the effect of making me feel better about me.
Aside from the inordinately wealthy, and people who seek to get that way through medicine, virtually every American would benefit from a single payer system with private options and it is mostly willful ignorance that prevents them from recognizing it.
Death panels? That's the big fear? Are you shitting me? Wake up and smell the rotting corpses piling up from the Death Panels that
are private insurance. If you really think about it; there has to be a limit to what any collective can be asked to provide to any one person. Does anyone really believe that having that decision made by profit motivated policy makers is really in their best interest?
If my neighbor’s house gets broken into; I’d like the cops to come.
If it starts on fire; I’d like the fire department to come.
If he can’t afford private school for his kids; I’d like them to go to a public school.
If he can’t afford to get his fingers sewn back on in a private hospital; I’d like for there to be a public one available, who won’t ask him to choose between his fingers and the roof over his children’s head.