georgeob1 wrote:
I have the impression you are indulging in a bit of denial.
Republicans and libertarians always have the disadvantage, when engaged with "progressives" who advocate government action to deal with social and economic problems, of being "against' specific proposals. Freedom and individual initiative & responsibility are hallmarks of this country, and they are worth defending.
Republicans were for plenty of proposals when they were running the place from 2001-2006. Very much so, in fact. So, I don't agree that this is true.
Your unkind characterizations of the Administration's opponents, ... "drunk jocks egging each other on to do and say dumber and dumber things" ... is not well suited to enable you to deal constructively with a political challenge.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. But yeah, that's pretty much the attitude and environment your side has engendered re: health care; it's like a competition to see who can tell the scariest lie, who can rile people up the most against Obama, and who can make the most outrageous statements.
It is also bemusing to note that you interpret the fall in the president's public support is the result of his failure to follow the lead of the left wing zealots who created this mess.
It's only bemusing if you didn't bother to do any research into the polls, George, and look at the groups who the president has fallen with. True, he has fallen amongst independents; but it is drops amongst the Liberal base have really caused his numbers to fall into the low 50's. It isn't drops amongst Republicans, for sure; they are already more than 90% against him to begin with. Simultaneously, most Liberals support the president's plan and the public option. It is entirely likely that frustration with the process is responsible for drops amongst Liberals and Independents; the plan certainly hasn't changed in the last several months.
Please try to do some research; I know it's asking a lot, but it will help you avoid making statements such as this.
Quote:Underestimating the opposition and doubling down on bad bets are not good ways to win serious struggles.
By the way your own data above shows that support for the Republicans has held steady in the last few months while that for the Democrats & the president have continued to fall.
Yeah, well, I'm sure you'll agree, that it's easy to hold steady when your ratings are in the 20% range, George. They hardly deserve an award for continuing
not to be trusted by 70-80% of our country,
Too funny that you would make that point, really. I mean, does the Republican party want a cookie for maintaining an approval rating above