Actually, georgeob, any private health insurance plan is going to have some rationing included based on the amount of premium people are willing to pay. That's what insurance does with all kinds of private insurance; you pay more for cadillac programs, and less for basic programs. People's fear about "rationing" is unfounded by the facts. They surely must know when they purchase auto insurance, the premium increases with more benefits attached to them. It's not going to be any different with heath plans.
People have not thought out the consequences of what they are saying, because they parrot what they hear without doing simple basic research. They all believe a private health insurance plan without government assistance is going to all be a cadillac plan, so they mention how health plans will deny grandma full health coverage, and make her choose how she wants to die.
Finally, I also believe in the competitive market place to reduce cost. It works not only with how insurance companies treat their customers, but how doctors/hospitals treat their patients. When people have choices, and they must look at out-of-pocket costs - both for the monthly premiums paid plus they co-pays for service - competition is the best way to reduce cost and increase efficiency.
This is one of the major deficiencies that's missing from the health plan that congress is now developing.