Miller wrote:Is smoking banned in public places in Germany?
How about trans-fat? Is this banned in restaurants??

I don't know why asking questions shocks you, but .... well, never mind.
("not devine" are two words, btw.)
No, smoking isn't banned in public places in Germany .... but - such is state's affair - most states have regulations about smoking in official buildings, restaurants, pubs etc.
(Banning smoking is one of Hitler's ideas: it finally was banned in most German offices in 1938; Jena university had the first ever university institute researching the relation of smoking and health etc, founded by the 30's as well: the researchers were the first to establish - beyond clinical anecdote - the causal link between smoking and lung cancer. [Two studies, one published in 1939, the other in 1943, compared the smoking habits of people with lung cancer and those without it.])
The use (or not use) is until now only minimally regulated.
However, this has nothing to do with our system of health insurances ...
Btw, Miller, did you overread the various corrections to your wriong statements above?