This thread is coming from my gravestone carving thread.
I had alot of people either post in the thread, or ask me
in PM about this graveyard.
Some people wanted to know about stone quality, some about fences, some about specific areas..
all of wich, I know a considerable amount, but my knowledge is neither complete, nor 100% accurate.
But, it is a quirky passion of mine to visit, photograph, and
learn as much as I can about older graveyards here in Austin.
Oakwood is the "oldest" ( so they say.. ) graveyard in austin.
They also say it was started in 1850. But, if you look closely
on some of my photographs, you will soon learn, as I have, that
the city is wrong.
I don't blame them. This graveyard is over
23,000 in population
and more then 10 acres.
it was charted by someone like me. Someone who volunteered to do the job
and only had a camera, pencil and paper.
I try to take landscape shots to help you get an idea of exactly HOW big
this place is, but I think I am unsuccessful. I guess I will have to take
a video one day, but for right now, I will just post pictures.
This thread will be a project of mine, so it will change constantly.
I will start with the pauper section, then the coloreds,
move to the " middle class section".
Then I will finish off with the very wealthy .
Well, that is my "rough" idea..
This graveyard is so large, there is a major street that cuts right
through the center because it just takes up too much of Austin.
Due to its size, i may not have everything grouped together as I plan,
but I will get it out here all the same.
don't worry, I will not post all 23,000!
I will just post the odd, the beautiful, the old, and the famous.
Wich may be close to some 5,000 headstones.. who knows.
I hope you enjoy reading and watching this thread as much as I am going
to enjoy making it.