Gorgeous! Look at that blue, wow...
Rocky'll be better travelled than any of us!
Rocky has left.
Critical error didn't allow to post these photos yesterday. Kids loved his visit. We are sending a more detailed report to his school.
The kids now want to do something similar.
Oh, what beautiful faces!
I love that photo of the children (and stuffed animals), Ul!
I just read the entire 23 pages, captivated.
I think I like this thread almost as much as the kids in ul's last picture seemed to like hosting rocky.
What a riot! Very interesting project for the kids, but for me, too.
Dont let Bi-Bear get in on it. Im afraid that hed do something unspeakable to the rat.
Hoping, this doesn't stop our squirrels trip (from the
"British thread")
smorgs wrote:Just wanted to let you know that I will not be posting for a while.
Most of you know about my Dad and housing situation. It will take me a while to set up an internet connection at the new place. I know it's a frivolous thing, and although I've always had difficultiy getting my priorities right, I will use my scarce resources to get back on-line as soon as possible.
I WILL be back, hopefully when Spring turns a old womans fancy...
spends, I know your last post was aimed at me, I just want to say it was very unkind, and upset me very much. But then you would consider that feminine over-sensitivity, wouldn't you?
I'll see you all soon, take care of yourselves, including you spendius.
I wouldn't miss the squirrel for anything!
It's all arranged, don't worry. Not moving for two weeks, it will be here well before I move.
I DO hope, he's fine and looking around Manchester ... and only smorgs has no time to post.
Probably in some sort of UK rabies quarantine.
I've plenty of time for squirrels...
Came back to a freezing house this morning to find that ROCKY had come to pay us a visit!
He was a ray of sunshine on an otherwise gloomy day...
Promptly kitted him out in thermal underwear and took him to work to make a claim to Jobseekers Allowance (Took photographs). He's going to my granddaughter's school tomorrow, she's really excited.
The best thing is that Rocky will be here for my birthday (Thursday) I will take a picture of him preparing to help blow out my birthday cake candles... I'll need it as there will be 50!!! of them, and my lungs aint what they used to be, but the rest is ageing well (I might add).
Don't worry, I will show Rocky a good old Mancunian time (it was home to the first computer, you know). Then send him on his way (first class/express) on Saturday.
'See you all soon...
Hurray! He crossed the Channel and found a caring host.
Birthday party on Thursday- wonderful.
I forgot to say thak you, Ul x
And thanks to all for the inevitable bithday greetings to follow ('cos you're such a good bunch). I'm experiencing difficulties (as everyone is) in getting on and my Dad, moving house, full time job are taking up every spare minute of my time...
But, I WILL keep you posted, and I will post pics as soon as I am able.
Would CypherC please PM or email me with the next address?
Just pm'ed my address to you, smorgs.
Wishing Rocky a good birthday party .... and smorgs all the very best to her 50th!!!
Happy birthday to you, smorgs.