We are s'posed to see it tomorrow....
Pittsburgh Saturday night for the Steelers game is supposed to be 41 degrees with a possibility of rain.
62 degrees here today -- I WILL get outside.
it is. i came in my furcoat from slovakia last night and nearly melted. what a heatwave! must be 40 degrees!
Must be you, Dag
We're having a heat wave
A tropical heat wave
The temperature is rising
It isn't surprising
She certainly can Can-Can
She started a heat wave
A ___ heat wave
In such a way that
The customers say that
She certainly can Can-Can
Gee, gee
Her anatomy
Makes the mercury
To ninety three
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
We're having a heat wave
A tropical heat wave
The way that she moves
The thermometer proves that
That she certainly can
Supposed to be 63 tomorrow.
i think i feel a sick day comin' on...
Are you back, Dag....(In the states)
Is that why you been poppin' up and swattin' the goofs again?
(I can put a motor on that bike, cheap)
dag is an international swatter...
66 today!
Some raccoons were under the impression it was springtime last night. (Loudly, according to E.G.)
Not to mention the tornadoes in Illinois et al.
TORNADOES. In January.
The lake that is my front yard should drain in a week or so. Unless it freezes into a skating rink, that is.

64°F @ logan, prolly warmer in the city...
Jogged in shorts at lunch.
Sat outside at lunch; there's a little park-y area. Felt amazing.
Yesterday it was in the mid-60s in Boston and of course, I thought it would snow so...I wore my sheep-skin lined snow boots.