Ain't global warming great?
Sat outside for a good hour, doing Sudoku puzzles and eating salt and pepper potato chips. The whole neighborhood, it seemed, passed by. Moms with strollers, teens with their dogs, a coupla BC students tossing a football back and forth while walking. Everyone -- and I mean everyone -- was smiling.
no snow in winter means drought for us. Well, it usually does, but we've had somuch rain!
It's forecast to get above freezing here today, a first for the past 10 days. Unusual for albaturkey.
Tai Chi wrote:Heard on the radio today that a local shelter for homeless kittens is having a major flea problem and they're blaming it on the warm weather.
were we listening to the same report, or is the problem all around us?
this morning on the radio, they had a pest control guy on talking about mice - because of the warm temps, they're anticipating at least one extra generation of mice in town
ehBeth wrote:this morning on the radio, they had a pest control guy on talking about mice - because of the warm temps, they're anticipating at least one extra generation of mice in town

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I do nothing BUT battle mice (and the occasional red squirrel) up north. I'm gonna need a major mouser...
Mice only seem to come into our house to die. I guess the housekeeping leaves something to be desired. (Or maybe it's the dogs.)
Wintry mix in the forecast here tonight. We're finally getting some November weather.
Us too, for tomorrow morning. Definitely colder today than its been, anyway, we've stubbornly kept the "winter" down comforters on our beds and it was the first time in a while that we weren't sweltering.
Our bedroom has a "closet" that is simply exposed, uninsulated attic space, so the down goes on the bed in October.
The Chickadees are making courting music and a not-to-bright Mourning Dove was seen trying to persuade his Lady Love to admire the twig he'd found for a nest.
Not just the birds, bugs and floweres, spring fever hit home with me too.
Took the kiddies to the playground and I ran around playing tag and swinging on the swings as well as the kids. The other parents thought I was a lunatic, but man it felt so good to run.
Gaah 7 above, feels like 9 below. High allegedly will be 22 today (these are all Farenheit temps; in Celsius that's, er, motherphloxin' cold).
No precip.
The bus stop and the waterfront will be brutal. Got me on 2 prs of pant long underwear, a long underwear shirt, boots, suede shirt over regular long-sleeve shirt. Will add hat, scarf, gloves and of course parka once I'm outside.
Here is where teleportation would come in awfully handy.
See what happens when ya bring this up? Now we have a Guacamole disaster all over the country. No oranges, no limes, strawberries only in season, ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.
Now that you have yer damn snow in Boston , are you happy? Its 18 F here on Gobblers Knob and Its windy as hell. I need to build a fire in the big room,
7 degrees (-4 with windchill) in south central WI shortly before dawn.
48 in early morning, now 55 - I'd really like to give you some our Fahrenheit degrees .... and perhaps get a little bit of snow and ice back (we had had nothing untitl now .... and the geranias and asterns are on the balcony: with blossoms [throwing them away this afternoon, though]).
It's 18 and feels like 18. Beautiful blue sky. The stars were out in force last night, and downtown buildings were clear as a bell from a spot many miles away (usually can't see them at all from there). Snow would be great, but even just this is nice and bracing.
Norm! Hey, what's up, Norm?
My nipples, it's freakin cold out there.
At least the sun is shining here in the Poconos.
I'm sure the cold snap is proving fatal to a number of over-wintering insect pests.
farmerman wrote:Now that you have yer damn snow in Boston , are you happy?
no snow yet, but they're saying we could get something before it changes to rain.
a reading of
-29ºF was recorded on Mount Washington this morning...
jespah wrote:The bus stop and the waterfront will be brutal. Got me on 2 prs of pant long underwear, a long underwear shirt, boots, suede shirt over regular long-sleeve shirt. Will add hat, scarf, gloves and of course parka once I'm outside.
Here is where teleportation would come in awfully handy.
do you have on two pairs of pants or two sets of longjohns?
seems like something's not right there - like maybe pants over longjohns? or maybe a skirt over longjohns?
don't you get cold in the office just wearing a shirt?