I just go the result of my half yearly appraisal and I was rated as "Exceptional" - the highest possible rating, but they still wont give me a pay hike WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I've gotta wait for the air conditioner to, uh, warm up.
I worked the overnight last night...
and didn't get a chance to sleep!
I worked overnight on sunday,
Worked until 11 p.m. on monday.
My boss went to the hospital, she had a scheduled operation today, and I'm in charge of the office.
That means I have to deal with the very frustrated Big Boss.
I still have work to do, and procrastinating won't help.
I've been enjoying the unusual (for me) combination of a very enjoyable PLUS productive holiday. BUT now there's little more than a week to go!

I want more!!!!! I feel selfish!!!!
Wow fbaezer!
You really DESERVE to whine. Sounds like stress city!
Go down to the whine cellar and select the CHOICEST whine. You've earned it!
You're right jjorge, thanks.
She really really doesn't love me and she's not gonna change her mind!
((stamping foot) sniff...sniff
On top of that I have lots to do and I procrastinated all day... and I can't think of anyone to blame !!
I got a 'dear John' letter from my mother!!
just kidding about that last one
Pooooooooooor BABY!!! But, JJorge, we love you!
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank you!
(there's no accounting for taste)
That jjorge - he still has a mother!
I returned from holidays all relaxed and refreshed, and then I went back to work, the job from hell, with the boss who is evil personified, and the cat has eaten so much in my absence he can hardly move - and it's the middle of winter, and I didn't get to go to Seattle, either, and my knee is cactus, and my credit card bills have come in, and....................
Whiny hugs!
Today's whine: couldn't sleep last night! WAAAHHHHH!!!!
margo wrote:That jjorge - he still has a mother!
I returned from holidays all relaxed and refreshed, and then I went back to work, the job from hell, with the boss who is evil personified, and the cat has eaten so much in my absence he can hardly move - and it's the middle of winter, and I didn't get to go to Seattle, either, and my knee is cactus, and my credit card bills have come in, and....................
poor baby...does oo have a mean old boss! ...poor liddle thing! aaaw!
Truth be told my sainted mother DOES love me.
(pero, hay amores que matan ...uaaaaaaaaaaaa! )
Tis better to have loved than lost than...oh, never mind.
It's my day off. But I have been so bad about procrastinating with tasks that I am faced with unbeatable odds for even making a dent in my task list. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
I just found this thread, so I missed out on all this whining,
I could have been whining for weeeeeeeeyeeeeeks. wah wah wahhhhhhhh-ha-hah-heho.
My house is a wreck. Everybody comes home on the weekend, flops around, eats, drinks, is merry, tosses stuff around and then leaves on Monday.
Piffka invited "everybody" to her country manor for the weekend.
They rode her horse.
Yet she whines.
She didn't invite me.
I live in an apartment.
My city is polluted.
The most green I saw on the weekend was during a stroll in the park.
And I'm back at work.
EVERYBODY was Mr. P & the two teenagers...
NOBODY can ride that useless horse...
I don't even HAVE a job.................