So now we have some Iraqi scientist who digs up some parts for a centrifuge from under a rose bush in his back yard. Centrifuge? Yeah
those things you use to make fuel for a nuclear weapon. It seems Saddam's son ordered the scientist to bury the parts many years ago. Now we're waiting for Hans Blix to explain why he didn't go digging in this man's backyard when he had his wonderful team of U.N. inspectors in Iraq.
this shows why the inspections were virtually useless. It also illustrates why U.S. forces haven't turned up Saddam's nasty weapons yet. We've all heard of the thousands of gallons of this and that Saddam had. You won't read this in the New York Times, but the totality of all of the chemical and biological weapons material Saddam admitted to having would fit into one good-sized hotel swimming pool. Now
go out there and find THAT in a country the size of California.
We probably won't find out what happened to these weapons until the people with direct knowledge of those weapons come forward. As long as Saddam is out there, or as long as they think he may be preparing for his comeback tour, most of these people are going to keep their lips zipped.