I said that you never cared for anyone else?

You're not talking to me sonny, I don't give a damn whether you care for anybody else or not.
Yeah, I guess I am biased, you're not of course, anyone can see that.

I stand for what i believe, I'll concede when there's something to concede to. The most I've seen from some here is egotistical neanderthals that get all pi$$y when anybody dares disagree with them.
A bigot? Hmmm, you'll have to explain that one,
if you can.
As for Thatcher, I lived there from the time she was elected to the time she was back doored by John majors. Where were you? I KNOW what she did, I also know that she brought that country to a standing position.
But then, you are impressed with Kofi Annan, why am i surprised that you'd not like a decent human being.