Wilso wrote:LoneStarMadam wrote:Margret Thatcher was one of the greatest Pms that England has ever seen, next to Churchill, she is the greatest. I was fortunate to have been living in England when she was elected, I saw what James Callaghan did to that country & what Thatcher did for that country. She knows what she's talking about.
Thatcher was probably the worst PM England has ever had. The wedge between the haves and have nots expanded mightily under her. But then, I suppose it's understandable that you'd support a worthless right wing bitch.
Since you're either ignorant of the facts or are being dishonest in your portaryal of the
wedge between the haves & havenots, I'll fill in the missing
In 1978,
Englands winter of discontent, (& the year I arrived in England) England was almost on her knees with almost everything in the country on strike. Lorrie drivers, , coal miners, trash collectors, grave diggers, you name it, they were striking, the inept James Callaghan couldn't do anytjing, or
wouldn't do anything, trash was literally piling up, bodies were not being buried, the country was almost stopped, & why not, these people still got paid, at the taxpayers expense while on strike. Thatcher came along & promised that these people would no longer be able to get their wages at taxpayers expense, that the strikers would not get paid, not like they had been. the country liked what she said & voted her in for 10 years they kept her in office, she did what she said she'd do & England was better for it. then along came a disaster known as John majors....
If you're going to tell a story, tell the whole story, & BTW, I got the
bitchreference, sweet, you tell a half truth/half lie then have the gall to call somebody a vile name, typical left wing trick. Bugger off.