It is indeed a wonderful nation in which we all live when we have such diversity in penwomanship.
It seems that the darling of the ultra-conservatives, Ann Coulter, has a new book forthcoming entitled
Treason. I am certain the exact publication date of the Coulter tome can be found at
The competition for sales between Clinton and Coulter will be severe. May the best woman win the biggest dollars! Everyone knows, of course, that Ms. Coulter has one of the greatest minds for judicial history in the country. Her mentors -- such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity -- will most likely spend millions to buy multiple copies of Coulter's latest just so the conservative gal's book can top that one by the crusty old First Lady.
The only "ghost" I see floating around here is the checkered past of the dubious Dubya. The "ghost" that he was never elected president by the people of this nation will not be forgotten.
It's called the "ghost of quadrennial election past," and it will help haunt Dubya right out of the White House.
But excuse me . . . I must read another chapter in Sen. Clinton's
Living History before bedtime.