I've never been alpha male before... heh! :-)
This is written as a short story, but (again) every detail is true.
I twice conducted an experiment with homosexuality.
It was not my original intent. The experiment was not
specifically designed in such a manner, but the results
led to some sobering indications along those lines.
You see, I purchased one of those pheromone products, where they
advertise it will lustfully attract women as an animal gone wild.
But they don't disclose that most pheremone products are created
from boar scent rather than human

... Yikes!
(They also don't disclose that human pheremone receptors are
theoretically now defunct and cannot smell. :-( ...Aawwwww.).
But in any case, I thought I'd give it a go, just to see.
So I walked into our friendly neighborhood bar, a dingey small
place with nice Harley's parked outside and a nasty obnoxious
band on a plywood stage by the door. I sometimes come here
just to blend into the darkess. The place is always crowded
with interesting people, partly because it's only fifteen feet
wide and a hundred deep, a narrow hole in the wall, dusty,
noisy and older than sin.
So I sat and had a beer. Nothing happened.
Then I went to the restroom and applied the scientifically
prepared solution of synthetic (boar) pheremone mixed in
with aftershave to spots behind each ear and lower neck,
and returned to my place at the bar.
I sat and had another beer. Nothing happened.
No women. Curious.
Fifty mangy mountain guys and two drunk women off chatting
by the pool table far in back. And there's nothing happening.
D'oh! Poor test conditions, bad sampling! How stupid can I be?!
Oh well.
So I just listened to the music. The fellow next to me
finished his beer and left. A handful of drunks staggering
in the tiny dance area gradually drifted, until flat against the
brick wall they took up their beers and sulked. Another fellow
with gang leathers went off to the rest room. It was a very
subtle thing that I don't think anybody really noticed.
Gradually, over ten minutes or so, a wide area cleared in
the front of the bar, directly around me, until I was the
only mangy mountain guy sitting at the front end of the bar,
next to the dance floor.
Myself and ... this large fellow who seemed quite possibly
gay, sitting four barstools behind me. Smiling.
I began to wonder what characteristics a human male here
in the mountains might share with a wild boar, and decided
that to continue the experiment any further would serve
no scientific purpose.
So I abandoned my beer, walked quickly home and scrubbed
my neck with a scouring pad.
I know it's a bit much to expect pheremones to attract human
women, especially perhaps in a biker-bar where there are
only two candidates resembling that ideal. But either the
aftershave was really bad, or they should market this
formula as "Straight-Male Repellent". It works great!
It could make life much easier for 10% of the population.
(PS -- Easier, provided they don't live on a hog farm).
(PPS -- Good god, I just realized that a Harley is a "hog". Ironic
