Quote:Got you again. What is Christmas?
Luckily, you've asked this in the humor section otherwise I be forced to give you a long detailed sappy answer which would include the words Joy
God'sLove and Myrrh. As it is Christmas has become, in America at least, an orgy, but not the good kind.
It's because the Three Wise Men brought gifts to a newborn baby. ( Those dumb bastards, it's all their fault. ) We have somehow twisted that gift
giving into
getting gifts for everyone in our immediate vicinity and for several zipcodes beyond.
So there is a certain amount of manic panic involved in all the shopping. And all the decorating and all the fun seeking. We Americans don't really know how to have a good time, we know how to work, so even our celebrations turn into massive expeditions and exhibitions without any inhibitions.
If Christ ever saw what we've done to his birthday, he do more than turn over the tables of the moneychangers, he's cut up all of our credit cards.
Joe(and shut all that sappy music about Joy)Nation