here are a few newfie sayings from "off da rock" (see below) :
Newfoundland Sayings
Eyes like a caplin goin' offshore - (His eyes were bloodshot!)
I'll be dere da rackley - (I'll be there in a few minutes.)
'ere - (Here...note that some Newfies drop their h's and pick them up in front of vowels!)
Owshegettinonb'ys - (How is she getting on...or how is she doing?)
Turn round, she's bind ya - (Turn around, she's behind you.)
Idn't dat fulish bye - (Isn't that foolish...and of course we Newfies say bye at the end of many phrases, instead of the eh associated with Canadians!)
Shockin' that is, shockin - (This should not need too much's shocking!)
Ya gat da face only a mutter could luv - (You got the face only a mother could love, in other words, ugly!)
Mind your mouth now - (Be careful what you are saying, usually used to tell someone their language is a little off colour.)
Any mummers loud in? - (Mummers are people dressed up who visit around Christmas...this is the question they usually ask after someone answers the door.)
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