All this talk of cocks and gapes makes me wonder if I am on the right site....
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:and you understood it.. unlike ms.mustang ranch....
Apparently it's you that doesn't understand the metaphor of the
cock crowing three times, it was about betrayal. Again, you should not speak to things that you don't understand.
less about betrayal than denial there stoop.... it's just not as much fun when you have to explain everything....
go roll up your support hose and do the superior dance if it makes you feel good....
I understood it . . . the Cunning Coney understood it . . . that's two well-read native speakers of English from opposite sides of the planet . . . don't sweat the small **** Bear . . .
Speaking of which, does **** stick to your fur?
If the guy wants to swear in on a Koran then let him. While its not something we are used to here in the states, it is his right. Lets just hope he represents all of his area and not just those of his religious ilk.
depends on what I'm eating....
Baldimo wrote:If the guy wants to swear in on a Koran then let him. While its not something we are used to here in the states, it is his right. Lets just hope he represents all of his area and not just those of his religious ilk.
Sounds right to me, after all, we are guaranteed freedom of religion.
Baldimo wrote:If the guy wants to swear in on a Koran then let him. While its not something we are used to here in the states, it is his right. Lets just hope he represents all of his area and not just those of his religious ilk.
I guess we could say the same about every Christian who is elected, hmm?
All religious people make my head hurt, really
I'd like to see the numbers again for the sums of money that were funnelled into Christian groups and organizations by the Bush administration.
I know there was a thread about this some time ago....can't find it though.
Bush's "ilk" have been well taken care of during his tenure. You object to that Baldimo, or just when a Muslim may look out for his own.
Just stopping in long enough to congratulate Bear for giving me the best laugh at a "Christian's" expense in a long, long time. Thanks, O Great White Furry One. :wink:
I just stumbled across this thread. As a Buddhist I would not place my hand over a Bible. First, it has no significance to me. Second, there is supposed to be a separation of Church and State in this country. No would I put my hand across the Buddhist writings for that same reason. How about a politician of any faith putting putting his hand over a copy of the US Constitution?
There is supposed to be seperation of church & state in this country
That is a fallacy perpetrated by the likes of Eva & Bi-Polar Bear & a few other people that are afraid of Christianity.
NickFun wrote:How about a politician of any faith putting putting his hand over a copy of the US Constitution?
best idea i've heard in a long time.
LoneStarMadam wrote:Another hit & run moonbat?
yeah, yeah, yeah... but enough about you.
DontTreadOnMe wrote:LoneStarMadam wrote:Another hit & run moonbat?
yeah, yeah, yeah... but enough about you.

One thing that I can't be accused of is
hit & run. I stick around for the laughs.
Internet reincarnation: Italigo, Massagato, Morkat, Bernhard, shameless hussy LSM, Monte Cargo, Little Bitty (?). Always coming back for more.
talk72000 wrote:Internet reincarnation: Italigo, Massagato, Morkat, Bernhard, shameless hussy LSM, Monte Cargo, Little Bitty (?). Always coming back for more.
Hey, if you want to ask me a personal question, ask. What, you're afraid to ask? lol
Oh, all right. I can't resist.
For your information, LSM, I am a Christian. So is BPB. Just not your type. (Thank God.) You exemplify the type of hard-hearted, dogmatic, narrow-thinking Christian that gives a lot of people the wrong impression of the rest of us. I do wish you'd keep your mouth shut.
But of course, you won't. Your kind never does know when to shut up.
However, I do.
Good night.
Eva wrote:Oh, all right. I can't resist.
For your information, LSM, I am a Christian. So is BPB. Just not your type. (Thank God.) You exemplify the type of hard-hearted, dogmatic, narrow-thinking Christian that gives a lot of people the wrong impression of the rest of us. I do wish you'd keep your mouth shut.
But of course, you won't. Your kind never does know when to shut up.
However, I do.
Good night.
& i do wish you'd quit misrepresenting Christianity,
hit & run