Fri 20 Jun, 2003 08:23 am

I have always hated Q and X. It's a draw. Dov
I don't like capital T's! Wanted to get this of my chest for a long time, thx dov!
I think 'Tt' is just a boring letter, I pretty much like them all.
I agree about "Q"s. They look like "O"s with tails. They can't exist without "U"s.
What a perfectly useless letter!
Since I am a scrabble player, I notice how hard it is to come up with a 'j word' ... For whatever reason, I have noticed that I groan whenever I see a "j", lol!
So we're just talking about the english language here right?
littlek, What letter is "Tt"? I've gone carefully over the list and I don't see that one.
Just a teacher thing - it's cap and small t. But, I'm sure you know what I meant.
What about Qiviut? and Qatar?
I cant stand the little k. Go figure...
The letter "x." I get tired having to sign my name so often on so many forms. c.i.

Now that I think about it, I don't have a problem with a printed z but I can't stand a handwritten z. I wonder if that means I have mother issues.
dov, Some handwritten z's can look like a 2. hmmmmm.....
I agree with Phoenix. Q is a wimp. Can't stand on its own except in some furrin words.
I'm voting for the letter "A"
When I was in the Army, particularly when I was a trainee, the bozos in charge would assign tasks based on the letter A":
Guard duty: start with guys whose last name began with "A"
Weekend guard duty: start with the "A's"
Dark and Stormy nights in the middle of god-awful nowhere: there stand the "A's."
Latrine cleaning detail and on and on.
My best friend was an Italian kid named Zola. He never did ****.
Do away with "A" or at least move it somewhere else in the alphabet.
In the English language, at least, C is the most useless letter of all. There isn't a single word in English where a K or an S couldn't be substituted for C without doing the slightest damage to the pronunciation. Furthermore, if you run across a totally unfamiliar word with the letter C in it, you have no way of telling whether it should be a K or an S sound. Talk about useless.
The cursive "n." It's in my name, Jenny, and I always run those dadburn humps together to make "Jemmy."
I just use my immmitials when I can get away with it.
Jemmeny Crickets, dupre, that is a curse.

Andy, I agree with you about isolated Cs. But what about chs? What letter would you substitute to come up with the word church or chicken?
Dupre, My last name has an N in it. I usually comes out as an M or a single bump--no clear letter.
All letters were created equal - but everywhere they form chains!