Good point, Roberta. One of the curses of the English alphabet is that it has no diacritical marks. Now, in Latvian, for example, the 'ch' and 'sh' sounds are represented by a little accent circumflex above the c and the s.

Cicerone, Is your comment about "z" meant to imply that my distain for certain letters is indicative of breast feeding issues? As for you WRONG n haters, my last name is "onuanain", so writing things hurriedly and having them blend together can be an acquired pleasure. You know who's really got it good is those reigning monarchs who get to just write your first name and follow it with an R. As for the m issue some of you have had, I would much rather capitalize it as a words first letter than write it in the middle of a word in small handwriting. Do you think that says something terrible about me? My middle name begins with a Y so please pity me. I think you all should send me a dollar.
i would have to choose the letter F - although it is just a visual thing. I do not like the way it looks ( as a capital)
I am always the first one to play with the fonts on my assignments!

F is truly a diabolical letter. A capital B reminds me of a big butt. I genuinely pity anyone whose name begins with a B. Some of you think it's a coincidence that the last part of a cigarette is called a "butt". Isn't that convenient?
I'm not that fussed about those letters. I have some issues with the lower case 'l' and the upper case 'i', when you are using fonts like Arial the damn thing is the same - so a word like 'ill' or 'illiterative' looks bloody silly!
What I do have is a burning desire to rid English from the "æ / Æ" combination. It drives me nuts, what the hell is it? An 'a', or a friggin' 'e' or a bit of both? I think its only used by folk who want to appear clever, so they write "encyclopædia". Well, screw those wannabes!
How about a cursive capital Q? Does anyone even use that?
Mac, I don't remember what a cursive capital Q looks like. Something like a z? An s. I'm sure my third grade teacher taught us how to write it. Mrs. Renner. One tough bird.
Leading to many youthful stories about "2ueen Elizabeth," no doubt.
Mac, Thanks. I knew it looked like something else. Didn't remember that the something was a 2. Poor q. Looks like a 2. Doesn't travel alone. Always goes with the u.
When I was a wee 'un, we were taught Palmer Method penmnship. That cap Q would have received a failing grade.

Don't you just hate those pretentious morons that write their capital Q's that look like big 2's? There is literally nothing that makes me more angry......not hunger, not war, not another Republican administration. Speaking of lunacy, can someone tell me how to put a pretty picture next to my name when I post to able2know? Did you notice how I didn't put a single Q in that whole last sentence?
Dovey, there is a forum on posting avatars. However, it is pretty simple. Go to the 'Profile' section (at top of screen, underneath the site map), at the bottom of the form you have the option to either use an avatar from those stored at A2K or load on your own image.
It makes me chew pillows. I HATE PILLOWS!
As long as we're talking about the alphabet, I have something that's been bothering me. I think that W should precede V. VXYZ. All in a row. Four letters that seem to belong at the end. W doesn't belong between V and X. Okay. I'll stop now. It must be the heat. I'm rambling about re-ordering the alphabet.
hmm, Roberta...I'm wondering what the (American english) alphabet would look like if the letters were arranged in order of usage. E and S would probably appear first. I'm sure that someone smarter than U or I can come up with the solution. Let's C how long it takes, if that's okay with U.
W is a pretty recent invention, isn't it? It doesn't really exist in Spanish, that much I know...
johnboy--OK by me.
patiodog--I have no rational reason for thinking that W is in the wrong place in the alphabet. Just a gut feeling.
I've never been a big fan. The only polysyllabic letter, and it's named after one letter but looks like another. Just not well thought out.