WOW! Your pictures are mind boggling! And, I just love that particular area of San Francisco!
Thanks for sharing your site!
Sheesh ! Thanks for the plug back there !!!
Sorry wrong picture up there.
anyone else?????
this is a recent series of mine. V
Vivien, that's my picture you're showing:) I love that, it's so different, the colors are exquisitely vivid, and the scene is so peaceful.
are these intended, and do they, all hang together. They are very nice that way. ( the series)
Timberlandko I have a question that is more basic than charli. I have sent files to my ISP provider, thinking that is a URL space that can be accessed, It isn't apparently. Just a holding space. Well, it has an FTP address but no such long address as you referred to in your message to charli.
so my question is, for the purpose of placing images for posting, and eventualy, linking to a web page, what do you use and what if anything is free, for now. i am trying to build a web site but it is slow going.
zincwhite - In case Timberlanko isn't monitoring this thread, here's the free site I use to link pix to A2K. (Or you could send him a pm.):
I'll check it out to make sure it works. As you can see, it's - maybe some of the last bit of the URL has to be left off. We'll see.
It works as is!!! You can find a spot there somewhere to join. Download your pix from your hard drive, then copy the URL as per Timberlanko's instructions to transfer them to A2K. You WILL get an incredibly long URL - that's the one you copy into A2K. Good luck.
A selection of my drawings and paintings can be seen by clicking on the link below. I've been largely absent from A2K lately, but do try to stop by often. Generally, when I'm painting I don't write much, and when I'm writing, I don't paint much. I paint more during the Spring and Summer, and write more during the late Autumn and Winter. At the moment I'm being very productive. Fourteen paintings so far this year, and surfaces prepared for another ten or so ready to work.
I work in tile. Variously called 'cracked-tile, mosaic tile or, my personal favorite, "Stained glass mosaic tile."
Here is a site of a workshop I ran recently in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Comments ?
Beautiful work fancytickler! Thank you for sharing with us!
I do just about everything: film making, illustration, graphic design, cake decorating, patent drawing, photography, etc... But I specialize in oil painting. I have an interest in art history, and I'd like to get into sculpture one day. My site isn't up yet, ( but it's paid for and I'm working on it. Meanwhile, here is a recent sample of my friend took [of my work] for his blog (he's the upside down guy):
Some of my photographs can be found on:
(go to my 75 uploaded public photos... I'll be putting more on next time I clean up my computer.)
If anybody ever wants to talk painting, I'll be up for it.
PS, Are you Japanese? Just wondering. c.i.
No, but my first name, Mariko, is. It translates as "truthful child," and it is an older japanese female name, featured in the book "Shogun." Mariko is the character after which my hippie parents named me. My ancestors were Russian jew, English, Scotch Irish, and Cherokee. My roomate is half Japanese, if that's of any comfort.
I haven't met many whites with Japanese names, so I was just wondering. Thanks for telling us the story behind the name. It seems half Japanese is very common now days. Most of our nephews and nieces are married outside our culture. I've read something a while ago that the majority of Japanese now marry outside our culture; we have English, German, Italian, Chinese, Polynesian, Irish, black, Hispanic, and I don't know what all..... Mitchener calls them the "Golden People," and I whole-heartedly agree. c.i.
BTW, does anybody know what culture Prentice is? One of my cousins married one. c.i.
ci Prentice is an English name. (ie: David Prentice the artist whose work I did a thread about)
Southern English/Welsh borders
portal I thought your work was very interesting and can clearly see why you are interested in the artists you quote in threads.
I'm always up for discussing art/painting and so are several of the others - think up some interesting threads for us!