Will come back and look at all the links but, glad to see bunches of shutterbugs around and about. Ive got a few pics out and about here and there but, havent tried linking to them as of lately...if I get a few hours, Ill give it a try.
If you guys get one of those Canon digitals ...firstly Ill drool with great envy...then Ill ask a million and a half questions but really just basically want to know how well it works. Ive been using the old EOS600 series for ..ahem... like 20 years (tis true!) and have yet to find optics with such clarity with combined quickness. Also, been working with digi files from Nikon higher end digital camera and ... argh.... has these spots...makes me nuts!!! Its weddings so..oh yes nice black dots work well on white dresses...blah. Anyway...keep me informed...perhaps Ill get a fortune and be able to buy one.

Lets see...I keep really going back to landscape stuff to get me excited, it just never fails really. There have been more timies when Ive just been driving down the street and either pull over and pull out a camera, wish I had one, or wonder if who I was driving with would spend the ride with me asking to stop every ten feet?
Upon graduation many moons ago I wanted to do Industrial Commercial/Fashion and all kinds of large format stuff.....yeah..right! Anyway...have run the gammut from professional lab tech (of all formats/technology) to Retail Portrait Studios to weddings/functions and onto studio work mostly of model portfolios and boudoir with a few family and senior works.
I really do (crazy enough as it sounds) love working with the kids, doing candids at functions, and the lab stuff....Im just a junkie I guess.
Nice to know I have company though.