Charli wrote:
I've tried a number of times to put this pix "HERE" - ["IMG"] like the "pyramid pix," but for some reason it won't "take." Does anyone know why?[/color]
Yeah, Charli ... you're trying to use the URL of the page containing the image. That won't work. What ya gotta do is go to the image you want to display, right-click on it, select "Properties", and copy the entire "Property" tag of the image ... on MSN, BTW, the Prperty Tag is very long. Click-and-drag to make sure you've highlighted all the text in the tag before you right-click again and select "copy". Now, just to be safe, paste the copied tag into Notepad (just in case ... ya never know), and navigate back here. Open a reply box, select
IMG, and paste the copied image tag into the box and hit OK.
Here is the Image Properties tag of the picture you tried to post:!zZq78a*J2jJuyPVaMI0*NSqGtcUp2!tUdQtdKUVY!Lv9NDV1QfapZEnL5Z7OoW!2Cn!wKKcIXE9bS3dAC*FuPx464JtEspze1MCxJw/2-FILE4-MEX.jpg?dc=4675412837610948680 (see? Like I said, MSN Groups tags are quite long)
and here is the picture you wanted: