ossobuco wrote:Oh, well, just talking, the first few paragraphs put me off from the superiority tone.
I've not been on welfare, up to what might be a year from now, maybe in 2008.
There is this "all these folks need to learn to face life and organize it" thing that bespeaks little understanding of having $300. and 800. worth of bills, even without presumed drug fests.
The lack of empathy is cold.
I've been on my present side of things, the low end, before, but not so much - and may get back above again - I've done it before and will probably repeat.
Each time through it, though, I remember the coldness.
I'm not sure why you are taking this so personally or what I said that offended you so much. My first few paragraphs were directed towards those that take advatage of the system. That steal tax payers dollars and in return provide nothing towads the advancement of society.
If you are
not one of these persons, but merely a person that needed some help during a rough patch, then you should not be offended because I wasn't talking about you. If you are one of those persons that merely takes advantage of the system... well, I can understand why you would be offended, but I certainly do not apologize for my statement because I think I am right.
Everybody needs help sometime in their life... and we should have a system in place to help people out. But no matter how much we give a person, eventually they need to take responsibility for their life and responsibility for their actions. Giving people the tools to accomplish that is not arrogant... it is the best thing that we could do for them and for society.