The IGNORANCE Of The US Voters

Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 12:20 am
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 12:34 am
I hate the national news.

I hate hollywood.

Just like the terrorists.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 12:40 am
RexRed wrote:
I hate the national news.

I hate hollywood.

Just like the terrorists.

You hate Hollywood, you hate the news but you like the terrorists. OK.

All terrorists? Even George W. Bush?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 12:43 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I hate the national news.

I hate hollywood.

Just like the terrorists.

You hate Hollywood, you hate the news but you like the terrorists. OK.

All terrorists? Even George W. Bush?

Sow the spirit.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 02:51 am
Re: The IGNORANCE Of The US Voters
RexRed wrote:
This was not a win for the US this was a win for radical left nut wing propaganda and outright lies.

Now the dems can blackmail the president to raise taxes or cut troop support while instituting the draft. Wait till the US realizes how little the soldiers will be paid on a draft. Now John Kerry can insult the troops and who will care anymore? (that has a voice that is)

See how long it takes for the terrorists to launch another attack on our soil and for the dems to ruin our economy in the process. The terrorists know the democrats are all cowards and pussies.

The war will have to wait for Charley Rangel and his impeach Bush agenda while the terrorists only grow stronger. I bet the US did not know they were voting to re-instate the draft either.... They are all cheering that the democrats have won! YEA!!! (cynical)

We can thank CNN, NBC and ABC for spreading the lies. We can thank the hard working Americans for having their heads in the clouds and 20% of them knowing who the hell Nancy Pelosi even is.

We can thank the news agencies for slanting the news and giving the democrats a 70% favorable reporting while giving the republicans less than 30%. How can people make up their minds fairly when they are unaware they are being LIED TO! When every single news reporter on the major networks is a democrat how can truth prevail? IT CAN'T! The dems could not have won if they had not cheated.

The congress having an approval rating of 14 has been because the dems have obstructed nearly everything that the republicans have tried to do.

All for what???? A working congress, NO! All for partisan obstructionist politics the San Francisco treat. I will never forget what the democrats have NOT done. All for their blind greed for power crafted while we have been at war.

I almost vomited when I saw Harry Reid group hug with the dems, the man is a traitor to the very people who just enabled him to hoodwink the public with the money of George Soros and the likes.

Republicans (for the most part) will not stoop as low as the democrats will go to win. The republicans do have standards.

But winning was everything to the democrats not the welfare of the US public policies, just winning, thats it. I do not even trust that the voting machines were not hacked by anarchist democratic hackers on the web... Mandate my ass!

There will not be a non partisan congress because the dems still want a president in the White House they will not function as a governing body till they get their way. They haven't been functioning as a non partisan body with the dangling carrot of winning both houses what makes the US think they will work with the president in a non-partisan way until they get the White House too? Then they can turn a blind eye again to UN corruption and foreign threats like Bill's advisors did. Just one big Rathergate...

Do the dems think the war in Iraq will be any easier to swallow with them in power? Bill couldn't even convince the US to go after Osama Bin Laden.

I will NOT forget what the democrats have done to our republican president. I do not blame the American people but I do think they are IGNORANT now.

20% knew who Nancy Pelosi was before this election? Let's kill embryos for Michael J. Fox so Missouri can get a bunch of government grant money...

This is not a win for the democrats this is a lose for fair and balanced elections. The monopoly of our news agencies all bought off by special interest.

Just vote away the republicans and the terrorists will suddenly love America again.

Just as they loved America when they bombed the battleship Cole and our embassy in Africa while Bill Clinton was in office and what did the democrats do under their commander and chief Billy boy? NOTHING...

This is sickening...

Nancy Pelosi has stated that she will work with the republicans and the president... It is about frigging time!

I will believe it when I see it... There is still the White House they need to steal too in 08! Expect nothing good to come out of this congress but more baby killers, obstructionism, higher taxes for the same people that are already paying the bulk of them. Bigger government more waste in spending and unnecessary programs to butter the bread or their fellow liberal crooks.

You voted for it America, now you can pay for it!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 04:36 am
Democracy really sucks when it doesn't go your way eh? LOSER!!! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 05:25 am
Wilso wrote:
Democracy really sucks when it doesn't go your way eh? LOSER!!! Very Happy

If you want to call a monopoly on the news "democracy"....

You are the loser, I assure you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 06:25 am
RexRed wrote:
Wilso wrote:
Democracy really sucks when it doesn't go your way eh? LOSER!!! Very Happy

If you want to call a monopoly on the news "democracy"....

You are the loser, I assure you.

Yeah, those dems have a monopoly on the news. Every news source is reporting that the Dems took the house. That wouldn't happen if there wasn't a monopoly....

Rolling Eyes
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 06:27 am
Don't worry Rex, God is on the side of the winners.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 06:30 am
I kind of feel sympathy with Rex for having his meltdown here. At least he expresses his feelings straight up. Makes him more human.

More human, and actually less annoying, than the robo-posters who respond to the results only by regurgitating talking points. Who just try to hew as closely as they can to the prescribed ways to explain those results away that they get from the conservative echo chamber.

This guy, Rex, at least is real, just an ordinary guy like us who may find it hard to swallow his loss, has emotional meltdowns, can be irrational or angry or whatever. Isnt that cooler than when you feel like you're just wearing yourself out arguing with a politico hack? You can see those all night punditing their spin on TV already.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 07:00 am
The voters have had their say.

What they said is they were not satisfied with Republican control.

They did NOT vote FOR the Democrats, they voted against Republicans.

The Democrats should not be too proud of themselves by suggesting this victory is because they have better ideas.

That's the way it goes and the voters were correct in fireing the Republicans. Now if in 2 years if nothing gets done, the voters will speak again in a similiar fashion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 08:06 am
God, as George Bush and General Boykin and Jerry Falwell and Ted Haggart and many others believed, put Bush into the Presidency supported by a republican congress and senate.

God was for Republicans before he was against them.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 08:25 am
woiyo, that was the catch phrase of 2004....the votes were cast, not necessarily for the republicans, but against Kerry.

Either way you slice it, the republicans have no ideas, so if the dems have even just one, it's better.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 08:49 am
candidone1 wrote:
woiyo, that was the catch phrase of 2004....the votes were cast, not necessarily for the republicans, but against Kerry.

Either way you slice it, the republicans have no ideas, so if the dems have even just one, it's better.

Huh?? 2004???

Sorry, maybe in your mind it is but in reality, meaning TODAY November 2006, this was a vote AGAINST republican leadership.

We shall see in 2006 if the Democrats earned re-election as a result of their ability to solve the problems we face TODAY.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 09:12 am
nimh wrote:
I kind of feel sympathy with Rex for having his meltdown here. At least he expresses his feelings straight up. Makes him more human.

More human, and actually less annoying, than the robo-posters who respond to the results only by regurgitating talking points. Who just try to hew as closely as they can to the prescribed ways to explain those results away that they get from the conservative echo chamber.

This guy, Rex, at least is real, just an ordinary guy like us who may find it hard to swallow his loss, has emotional meltdowns, can be irrational or angry or whatever. Isnt that cooler than when you feel like you're just wearing yourself out arguing with a politico hack? You can see those all night punditing their spin on TV already.

I agree, and I'm reminded of a thread I started two years ago called Weeping and gnashing of teeth. I do understand the need to vent about the disappointment.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 09:41 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I hate the national news.

I hate hollywood.

Just like the terrorists.

You hate Hollywood, you hate the news but you like the terrorists. OK.

All terrorists? Even George W. Bush?

You can play twister with my words I guess I wrote in a way that they could be easily twisted.

I don't like terrorists but I as the terrorists understand what it is like when a country is over-run by liberals.

So over-run that everything on the media just keeps pushing the envelope further. We have Madonna hanging on glitter crosses and college students holding art exhibits glorifying terrorists.

When does this liberals gone wild madness stop? How many more strip joints do we need and poker palaces?

When will Hollywood start making movies with some wholesome values?

When will the liberal news stop twisting the facts to fit a partisan special interest agenda?

I feel for the Americans who are unaware of the media bias and take this garbage on face value as the truth.

I feel for the next generation of voters that have been spoon fed this liberal poison with no alternative other than to go shoot the hell out of their school mates.

This is all the fault of this liberal media.

When the death of a soldier is so much more important, that reporting on a new school built by 100 soldiers to teach the Iraqis democracy is not even reported AT ALL.

Something is wrong with this picture.

For instance did any of you know that the US wrote the text books for the Iraqi schools? All we are told is the negativity in a partisan way.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 10:28 am
parados wrote:
Don't worry Rex, God is on the side of the winners.

God is on the side of fair and impartial news.

What happened to the American flags after 9/11?

The few on the far left (media) put up such a stink that people took them down out of fear of violence.

The dems hate the flag... the dems hate any type of old fashioned values.

So what is "left" to be proud of?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 10:34 am
Have you thought of forming your own secluded community? I hear there's a compound in Waco that's going cheap.
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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 10:35 am
Why are you such a jerk, Rex?

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Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2006 10:37 am
Rex Red - here's two things that conservative have said. I think you should take them to heart.

Dean Barnett at HughHewitt.com:

The first thing I want to do is enumerate a few things that did not cost us this election. It wasn't the media. We faced the same media in 2002 and 2004 and prevailed. And it wasn't the savvy campaigning orchestrated by a suddenly gifted group of Machiavellian Democrats. That one doesn't fly either. The Democratic Party remains the organization that allowed John Kerry access to a microphone a week before the election.

Most importantly, we didn't lose because our countrymen suddenly misplaced the virtues that make America great. It is a distinctly liberal trait to blame "the people" when they don't vote as one would dictate. I'll brook none of that from our side. The fact is, we thought our country would be better off with a Republican Congress. We made a case to the American people. They didn't buy it because they thought it was a weak case.

Conservative Republican House Rep. Mike Pence:

It is the duty of the losing party in a free election to humbly accept defeat and to acknowledge that the people are sovereign in the People's House.

As we examine the results of this election, it is imperative that we listen to the American people and learn the right lessons. Some will argue that we lost our majority because of scandals at home and challenges abroad. I say, we did not just lose our majority, we lost our way. [..]

As the 110th Congress convenes next year, Republicans must cordially accept defeat and dedicate ourselves to advancing our cause as the loyal opposition [..].
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