The IGNORANCE Of The US Voters

Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:05 pm
This was not a win for the US this was a win for radical left nut wing propaganda and outright lies.

Now the dems can blackmail the president to raise taxes or cut troop support while instituting the draft. Wait till the US realizes how little the soldiers will be paid on a draft. Now John Kerry can insult the troops and who will care anymore? (that has a voice that is)

See how long it takes for the terrorists to launch another attack on our soil and for the dems to ruin our economy in the process. The terrorists know the democrats are all cowards and pussies.

The war will have to wait for Charley Rangel and his impeach Bush agenda while the terrorists only grow stronger. I bet the US did not know they were voting to re-instate the draft either.... They are all cheering that the democrats have won! YEA!!! (cynical)

We can thank CNN, NBC and ABC for spreading the lies. We can thank the hard working Americans for having their heads in the clouds and 20% of them knowing who the hell Nancy Pelosi even is.

We can thank the news agencies for slanting the news and giving the democrats a 70% favorable reporting while giving the republicans less than 30%. How can people make up their minds fairly when they are unaware they are being LIED TO! When every single news reporter on the major networks is a democrat how can truth prevail? IT CAN'T! The dems could not have won if they had not cheated.

The congress having an approval rating of 14 has been because the dems have obstructed nearly everything that the republicans have tried to do.

All for what???? A working congress, NO! All for partisan obstructionist politics the San Francisco treat. I will never forget what the democrats have NOT done. All for their blind greed for power crafted while we have been at war.

I almost vomited when I saw Harry Reid group hug with the dems, the man is a traitor to the very people who just enabled him to hoodwink the public with the money of George Soros and the likes.

Republicans (for the most part) will not stoop as low as the democrats will go to win. The republicans do have standards.

But winning was everything to the democrats not the welfare of the US public policies, just winning, thats it. I do not even trust that the voting machines were not hacked by anarchist democratic hackers on the web... Mandate my ass!

There will not be a non partisan congress because the dems still want a president in the White House they will not function as a governing body till they get their way. They haven't been functioning as a non partisan body with the dangling carrot of winning both houses what makes the US think they will work with the president in a non-partisan way until they get the White House too? Then they can turn a blind eye again to UN corruption and foreign threats like Bill's advisors did. Just one big Rathergate...

Do the dems think the war in Iraq will be any easier to swallow with them in power? Bill couldn't even convince the US to go after Osama Bin Laden.

I will NOT forget what the democrats have done to our republican president. I do not blame the American people but I do think they are IGNORANT now.

20% knew who Nancy Pelosi was before this election? Let's kill embryos for Michael J. Fox so Missouri can get a bunch of government grant money...

This is not a win for the democrats this is a lose for fair and balanced elections. The monopoly of our news agencies all bought off by special interest.

Just vote away the republicans and the terrorists will suddenly love America again.

Just as they loved America when they bombed the battleship Cole and our embassy in Africa while Bill Clinton was in office and what did the democrats do under their commander and chief Billy boy? NOTHING...

This is sickening...

Nancy Pelosi has stated that she will work with the republicans and the president... It is about frigging time!

I will believe it when I see it... There is still the White House they need to steal too in 08! Expect nothing good to come out of this congress but more baby killers, obstructionism, higher taxes for the same people that are already paying the bulk of them. Bigger government more waste in spending and unnecessary programs to butter the bread or their fellow liberal crooks.

You voted for it America, now you can pay for it!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 12,661 • Replies: 169
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Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:09 pm
you mean no more bridges to nowhere?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:27 pm
dyslexia wrote:
you mean no more bridges to nowhere?

Are you referring to the "big dig" in Boston that was vetoed by Reagan who said it was "too expensive", but bypassed by democrats, namely Edward (wind power but not in my front yard) Kennedy??

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Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:31 pm
no, this one in republican alaska. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/08/09/bridges/story.jpg
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ebrown p
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:33 pm

You missed the memo from the right wing.

Most of your Conservative friends are taking a very strange line... that Democrats won this election because these Democrats are really conservatives. The party line is that Americans chose Democrats who were really Republicans in spirit.

Of course I agree with you Rex. The American public is actually considerably further to the left of what Republicans have been led to believe.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:34 pm
Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:36 pm
Re: The IGNORANCE Of The US Voters
RexRed wrote:
This was not a win for the US this was a win for radical left nut wing propaganda and outright lies.

[..]I do not blame the American people but I do think they are IGNORANT now.

[..] You voted for it America, now you can pay for it!

Laughing You sound just like the worst of liberal nutjobs did after '00 and '04...

They'd have said "right nut wing propaganda" of course, but otherwise - the exact same thing - <giggles>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:41 pm
I nominate this thread for silliest mid-term election thread to date.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:41 pm

We're coming for you, Rex . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:44 pm
Has he always been like this, or has he slipped a cam?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:48 pm
America Tells W That We're Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

by Steve Young

Nov. 8, 2006 -- Hollywood (americanpolitics.com) -- As my good friend
Sandy wrote me last night: W finally got something right. The drapery
order is in, and this time it's cranberry and cream damask with cream
tie-backs under a cream valance...with a strong scent of red, white and

America has spoken...loudly. San Francisco values™ are in and Republican traditional values™ are out.

I might borrow from AA (Alcoholics Anonymous or Air America? Does it
matter today?), voters declared that they were sick and tired of being
sick and tired.

We're sick and tired of this administration treating us as if we're as
dumb as O'Reilly thinks or Hannity is.

We're sick and tired of Donald Rumsfeld throwing good lives on top of
the 2800 hundred he already threw away.

We're sick and tired of a Vice President who shoots friends first and
blames others second.

We're sick and tired of insulting Medals of Freedom, that only demean
the word "Freedom."

We're sick and tired of those who question the President's wrong-headed
decisions being degraded as traitors.

We're sick and tired of White House spokesmen spinning dead American
soldiers lives as just "numbers" or deadly war as only a "nanosecond."

We're sick and tired of over 600,000 dead Iraqis being waved off as if
they there weren't once living, breathing humans inside each of those

We're sick and tired of oversight committees that doen't oversee.

We're sick and tired of Big Oil, Big Pharm and Big Credit Card writing
the legislation that benefits only them and the legislators who they
will end up hiring.

We're sick and tired of CIA agents being outed.

We're sick and tired of the very veterans the Republicans use to hide
behind having their benefits cut.

We're sick and tired of bankrupting our children's futures to pad the
bank accounts of the people who need the padding the least.

We're sick and tired of catch phrases being employed in place of real

The list goes on embarrassingly long, but basically, America told George
Bush and his cronies that we are sick and tired of being played for suckers.

Now, let's all sit back today and listen to Tony Snow, Ken Mehlman, Karl
Rove spin. Enjoy the Broadcast Blowhard Lords of Loud™ continue to paint - wait for it - wait for it - MADAME SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, NANCY PELOSI as the Wicked Witch of Haight Ashbury.

Oh, one more thing. My guess is that this morning those same
corporations who blacklisted Air America along with the rest of liberal
talk, will take a second look at their marketing strategy and decide to
go with the shows that actually understand the tastes of the real
America; the America that has told us in no uncertain terms that truth
tastes way better than lies.

American Politics Journal E-mail Edition Copyright © 2006 American
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:50 pm
Was Rex's rambling post intended to show the truth in the title of the thread?

I assume he voted.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 06:53 pm
DrewDad wrote:
Has he always been like this, or has he slipped a cam?

He's always been like this, it's just that in the past, he mostly inflicted what passes for logic at his house in the religious threads.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 07:00 pm
ebrown_p wrote:

You missed the memo from the right wing.

Most of your Conservative friends are taking a very strange line... that Democrats won this election because these Democrats are really conservatives. The party line is that Americans chose Democrats who were really Republicans in spirit.

Of course I agree with you Rex. The American public is actually considerably further to the left of what Republicans have been led to believe.

The thought occurred to me that the republicans have just infiltrated the democratic party just as Lieberman had infiltrated the independent party. Smile

But that still leaves the US voter ignorant and the news still slanted to the left..
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 07:04 pm
Mag, are those burgundy drapes to remind Pelosi of the Iraqi and US blood spilled due to her playing partisan politics?

Who hates Bush more her or the terrorists?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 07:11 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 07:14 pm
Rex, that was a hell of a good Stephen Colbert impersonation! A perfect parody of the ultra-dumbass wing of the republican party.

Hahahahaha! Great stuff.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 07:27 pm
Hey Blue..... Great picture! I think it should have featured the Donkey's ass next to bu$h's face........... kindal like, "I'll hug your elephant if you kiss my ass"!! LMAO!

Red, old fellow.......... your chicken george is a mass murderer. Please don't try to lay it at our feet. Do you know that an international group is planning to start an investigation into Rumdfeld, Gonzales, & probably bu$h on or about Nov 14 for war crimes?

Everyone, except the "deniers" know who lied us into an illegal war, who has murdered over half a million Iraqi citizens, who has mudered almost 3000 of our soldiers and who has bombed two defenseless countries into a sand pile. We also know that you little cry babies have sat on your arses for 6 long years enabling this criminal.

All that after bitching about our last legally elected President Bill Clinton telling a lie about a consensual affair with a legal age female, you have not opened your hypocritical, two faced mouths except to make excuses for this cold blooded, lying murderer.

Please pardon me while I go puke at your holier than thou bullschitt.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 07:29 pm
Setanta wrote:

We're coming for you, Rex . . .

No, Harry Reid is coming for you Set!

That is after he "kills the patriot act" and gives the terrorists their own private telephone network.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 07:30 pm
Hey Blue..... Great picture! I think it should have featured the Donkey's ass next to bu$h's face........... kindal like, "I'll hug your elephant if you kiss my ass"!! LMAO!

Red, old fellow.......... your chicken george is a mass murderer. Please don't try to lay it at our feet. Do you know that an international group is planning to start an investigation into Rumdfeld, Gonzales, & probably bu$h on or about Nov 14 for war crimes?

Everyone, except the "deniers" know who lied us into an illegal war, who has murdered over half a million Iraqi citizens, who has mudered almost 3000 of our soldiers and who has bombed two defenseless countries into a sand pile. We also know that you little cry babies have sat on your arses for 6 long years enabling this criminal.

All that after bitching about our last legally elected President Bill Clinton telling a lie about a consensual affair with a legal age female, you have not opened your hypocritical, two faced mouths except to make excuses for this cold blooded, lying murderer.

Shall I mention Rev. Haggard, Mark Foley and by all means, the White House playtoy, male prostitute Jeff Gannon. I'm sure that most people in this forum could make an educated guess as to who good old Jeff was servicing at those late hours!!

Please pardon me while I go puke. Your holier than thou bullschitt is a bit much this late in the day.
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