cicerone imposter wrote:real life wrote:CI,
Perhaps you should expend a little effort to understand the issue of abortion, and how it has led to increasing instances and acceptance of infanticide, involuntary euthanasia, and withholding of care from the living.
You obviously don't have an interest in understanding it however. All you contribute to the discussion is political sloganeering and little else.
Your erroneous assumptions about what others do or don't support are simply functions of your need to toss wild accusations about.
You repeat the party line about 'neglecting children' without having a clue as to what you are talking about.
You approach this subject from a strictly political stance. Many of your posts in the abortion threads are screeds regarding Pres Bush, the Iraq war, and other political talking points that you have absorbed from your kindred political sources.
The pro-life issue for me is not about politics.
I'd vote for a pro-life Democrat over a pro-abortion Republican any day.
I'm not married to political machinery as you are.
If you have some thoughtful input on the abortion or pro-life topic, I'd be glad to discuss.
But your ridiculous political rants are simply a broken record.
Let's start Here:
Do you have ANY medical evidence that the unborn is NOT a living human being?
As blatham as indicated about real, he's hopeless.
I guess that's a 'No'.
The only one who has attempted to offer medical evidence that the unborn is not a living human being seems to be Terry.
She indicated her position that 'self awareness' was not possible early in gestation, therefore no human being.
However, she so far has failed to establish what degree (if any) of self awareness is required to be a living human being.
So I'd like to continue to open this to others who may yet want to offer medical evidence that the unborn is not a living human being.
How 'aware' must one be to qualify as a living human being?
Do people in a coma have the requisite amount of awareness?
Mentally retarded people?
Do people under anesthethic ?
People using illegal narcotics?
A brain-injured person?
People who are knocked 'unconscious'?
People who are asleep?
In a drunken stupor?
exactly[/u] in the brain must be measured, and what standard must it meet for one to be 'self aware' enough to be a living human being?