Zygote, Fetus, Clump of Cells, Alive, Dead???

Diest TKO
Reply Sat 13 Jan, 2007 12:52 am

Dis-qualifications: 1) Being is not Human.

This means that a dog, a horse, a seal is disqualified you fool. Learn to read. If this line was omitted the law would protect other animals than humans.


If not, what addition SPECIFIC qualifications are necessary for you to think that one is 'worthy' of protection of their right to life?

I specifically isolated 5 disqualifiers. Done.


Oh, so the issue only involves one building of one university in Missouri?

It would appear then that when I wrote:

real life wrote:

More political rants and exaggeration?

I was correct.

and when you wrote:

Diest TKO wrote:

Missouri right to life is now trying to stop all funding to MO schools

you were incorrect (exaggerating?)

Learn to read. The irony lies in the fact that the MO right to life movement is trying to block MOHELA funding to ALL UM schools (UMR,UMKC,MU,UMSL) when only one school, and one building can do the research they oppose. A building in which IRONICALLY, they lobbied money for. So what about the other three schools? This affect thousands of students who have nothng to do with the issue. What a group of zealots. I hear they are looking for new talent. Your pentchant for stubborn idiotic janitor rants might intrest them.

The only exageration is the responce by the MO right to life movement.


Sad commentary on your position indeed. Are you able to discuss this civilly, or have you completely lost that ability?

I'll take my insults and incivility over your incompetance ANY day.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jan, 2007 01:48 pm
parados wrote:
I see no one has been able to tell us which are human and which are not....

baddog1 wrote:
This illustration is pointless. Every life-form endures a microscopic period during its evolution into maturity. Why is it important that someone viewing this thread has the ability to distinguish between the photo's?

The point is that embryos are not human beings. They are brainless collections of cells with none of the qualities that we associate with real persons.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jan, 2007 01:55 pm
real life wrote:
You state that abortion PRIOR to 24 weeks should be allowed because the unborn isn't a living human being.

But you still are willing legally to allow abortion AFTER 24 weeks if the mother chooses it.

So your argument regarding sentience is meaningless, a smokescreen.

Apparently I did not make this clear enough to you:

After 24 weeks, it is the mother's choice (with medical consultation) whether to abort or continue gestating a non-viable fetus. It is also her choice (with medical consultation) whether to abort a possibly-sentient fetus or voluntarily accept the risks of continuing a pregnancy that endangers her. In other words, she always has the right to kill another human being in self-defense, and she is not obligated to endure the discomforts of pregnancy for a defective fetus that cannot survive birth or will not have any quality of life if it does. Those are the ONLY 2 reasons I gave for 3rd-trimester abortions.

Now, how about answering this question - posed to you for the third time: How do you feel about the right of mothers to knowingly harm their fetuses through their use of cigarettes/drugs/alcohol or intentionally handicap them?


Was it self-evident to Thomas Jefferson that his slaves were his equals or had a right to liberty? Alleged rights are meaningless unless recognized and protected by society.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Jan, 2007 02:05 pm
real life wrote:
What development of 'character' does a newborn exhibit?

The answer is obviously --- NONE.

What development of 'culture' does a newborn exhibit?

The answer is obviously --- NONE.

Have you never interacted with a newborn infant???? They respond to other people from birth. Experiments have shown that they recognize sounds and music they heard while still in the womb. They absorb culture at a tremendous rate, developing character all the while. They show preferences for food, sounds, stimulation, position, wake/sleep cycles, etc. Embryos do none of these things, because they have not yet developed brains that can respond to anything.

Of course the logical answer to that is:

Don't throw them away at all. Allow them to grow into mature human beings.

If you can't do that, then don't create so many. Only create as many as you are able to allow to grow to maturity.

The main objection to that is always 'well that would make IVF so much more expensive'.

So, are dollars and cents worth throwing human life in the garbage?

They can't grow into human beings on their own. And their biological parents may not want more children, but also may not want someone else raising children with their genes.

Thanks to the wastage God/nature built into the reproductive process, you have to over-create embryos in order to have sufficient viable ones to implant. 2/3 of embryos resulting from sexual intercourse fail to grow into human beings, often due to genetic defects, and are flushed from the woman's body without ever triggering a pregnancy. There is no ethical reason for IVF to refrain from creating extra embryos that will die, when all naturally-procreating couples do the same thing.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 Jan, 2007 06:21 pm
Terry, I continue to enjoy your responses to those who continue to insist an embryo is a baby with all legal rights over its mother. What's more interesting is their support of an embryo over the mother, and their rhetoric and actions to change the law to give the embryo more legal rights over the mother.

Religious fanaticism divorces itself from logic and human ethics. They want cells the legal right over everything and everybody else. There is no cure for stupid.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Mon 15 Jan, 2007 02:02 pm
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2007 11:42 pm
Terry wrote:
real life wrote:
You state that abortion PRIOR to 24 weeks should be allowed because the unborn isn't a living human being.

But you still are willing legally to allow abortion AFTER 24 weeks if the mother chooses it.

So your argument regarding sentience is meaningless, a smokescreen.

Apparently I did not make this clear enough to you:

After 24 weeks, it is the mother's choice (with medical consultation) whether to abort or continue gestating a non-viable fetus. It is also her choice (with medical consultation) whether to abort a possibly-sentient fetus or voluntarily accept the risks of continuing a pregnancy that endangers her. In other words, she always has the right to kill another human being in self-defense, and she is not obligated to endure the discomforts of pregnancy for a defective fetus that cannot survive birth or will not have any quality of life if it does. Those are the ONLY 2 reasons I gave for 3rd-trimester abortions.

Can you distinguish between 'self defense' and 'discomfort'? If someone makes me 'uncomfortable', have I the right to kill them in 'self defense'?

Again, your argument regarding sentience is little more than a smokescreen if you are willing to defend the woman's 'right' to abort if she is 'uncomfortable' at any point in the pregnancy.

Terry wrote:
Now, how about answering this question - posed to you for the third time: How do you feel about the right of mothers to knowingly harm their fetuses through their use of cigarettes/drugs/alcohol or intentionally handicap them?

I thought the example I gave of a mother maiming the child in utero would have made my position clear. The unborn is a living human being and it is wrong to intentionally harm him/her at any point.

Terry wrote:

Was it self-evident to Thomas Jefferson that his slaves were his equals or had a right to liberty? Alleged rights are meaningless unless recognized and protected by society.

Two different questions, and I don't have an answer for either. Sorry. They are scarcely related to the topic at hand. The Framers of the Constitution , as a group, declared certain rights to be inalienable. How Mr Jefferson's individual view did or didnt coincide with this is somewhat irrelevant.

Whether I consider someone my 'equal' is not the same as asking whether I think I have the right to kill that person if they inconvenience me. Do you see the difference?

I agree that rights should be recognized and protected by society. That was the position of the Founders as well. Rights do not ORIGINATE with society, however, and that is an important difference.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2007 11:52 pm
Terry wrote:
real life wrote:
What development of 'character' does a newborn exhibit?

The answer is obviously --- NONE.

What development of 'culture' does a newborn exhibit?

The answer is obviously --- NONE.

Have you never interacted with a newborn infant???? They respond to other people from birth. Experiments have shown that they recognize sounds and music they heard while still in the womb. They absorb culture at a tremendous rate, developing character all the while. They show preferences for food, sounds, stimulation, position, wake/sleep cycles, etc. Embryos do none of these things, because they have not yet developed brains that can respond to anything.

Of course I have interacted with a newborn.

I was in the delivery room for the births of all of my kids.

But my interaction did not make them a 'person'.

They were a 'person' whether I interacted with them or not.

And that is the point I was making to Diest.

At the moment of birth, the newborn is a 'living human being', i.e. 'a person', NOT because he/she has interacted with another or has 'developed character (or character traits)' or 'developed culture'.

The same is true BEFORE birth. The unborn is a living human being, i.e. a person.

He/she does not 'become a person' only after some interaction with another.

Terry wrote:
real life wrote:
Of course the logical answer to that is:

Don't throw them away at all. Allow them to grow into mature human beings.

If you can't do that, then don't create so many. Only create as many as you are able to allow to grow to maturity.

The main objection to that is always 'well that would make IVF so much more expensive'.

So, are dollars and cents worth throwing human life in the garbage?

They can't grow into human beings on their own. And their biological parents may not want more children, but also may not want someone else raising children with their genes.

Thanks to the wastage God/nature built into the reproductive process, you have to over-create embryos in order to have sufficient viable ones to implant. 2/3 of embryos resulting from sexual intercourse fail to grow into human beings, often due to genetic defects, and are flushed from the woman's body without ever triggering a pregnancy. There is no ethical reason for IVF to refrain from creating extra embryos that will die, when all naturally-procreating couples do the same thing.

There is a difference between something that happens unintentionally and something that is intentionally caused.

Do you not see the difference?

Many people contract AIDS unintentionally. Does that mean one has the right to intentionally infect someone with HIV to cause AIDS?

Miscarriage is not a justification for abortion.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 18 Jan, 2007 12:06 am
Diest TKO wrote:

Dis-qualifications: 1) Being is not Human.

This means that a dog, a horse, a seal is disqualified you fool. Learn to read. If this line was omitted the law would protect other animals than humans.


If not, what addition SPECIFIC qualifications are necessary for you to think that one is 'worthy' of protection of their right to life?

I specifically isolated 5 disqualifiers. Done.


Oh, so the issue only involves one building of one university in Missouri?

It would appear then that when I wrote:

real life wrote:

More political rants and exaggeration?

I was correct.

and when you wrote:

Diest TKO wrote:

Missouri right to life is now trying to stop all funding to MO schools

you were incorrect (exaggerating?)

Learn to read. The irony lies in the fact that the MO right to life movement is trying to block MOHELA funding to ALL UM schools (UMR,UMKC,MU,UMSL) when only one school, and one building can do the research they oppose. A building in which IRONICALLY, they lobbied money for. So what about the other three schools? This affect thousands of students who have nothng to do with the issue. What a group of zealots. I hear they are looking for new talent. Your pentchant for stubborn idiotic janitor rants might intrest them.

The only exageration is the responce by the MO right to life movement.

The funding to UM schools is not the same as 'all funding to MO schools'.

As I said, you exaggerated the story and implied that 'ALL funding to MO schools' was the issue.

And BTW there's no irony there.

If MRTL lobbied for money to study life science and now objects to that facility being used to promote the killing of the unborn, it seems to me that their position is perfectly consistent.

Imagine if Americans Against the War lobbied for money for a facility to study and find ways of bringing about global peace, and then the Army decided to move their War College from Ft Leavenworth to that facility. Do you think AAW would object? It seems like they probably would.

Diest TKO wrote:
real life wrote:

Sad commentary on your position indeed. Are you able to discuss this civilly, or have you completely lost that ability?

I'll take my insults and incivility over your incompetance ANY day.

And while you're at it, take your insults.

Somewhere else.

I'll scroll past your posts in the future.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 18 Jan, 2007 12:27 am
Terry wrote:
How do you feel about the right of mothers to knowingly harm their fetuses through their use of cigarettes/drugs/alcohol or intentionally handicap them?

Would your definition of 'intentionally handicapping' include Gianna's cerebral palsy?

Planned Parenthood Celebration Jolted by Abortion Survivor TED HARVEY

................"The cause of Gianna's cerebral palsy is not because of some biological freak of nature, but rather the choice of her mother.

"You see when her biological mother was 17-years-old and 7-and-a-half months pregnant, she went to a Planned Parenthood clinic to seek a late-term abortion. The abortionist performed a saline abortion on this 17-year-old girl. This procedure requires the injection of a high concentration of saline into the mother's womb, which the fetus is then bathed in and swallows, which results in the fetus being burned to death, inside and out. Within 24 hours the results are normally an induced, still-born abortion.

"As Gianna can testify, the procedure is not always 100 percent effective. Gianna is an aborted late-term fetus who was born alive. The high concentration of saline in the womb for 24 hours resulted in a lack of oxygen to her brain and is the cause of her cerebral palsy.................
see full story at http://catholiceducation.org/articles/abortion/ab0107.htm


Well, back to my projects. Talk to you later, Terry. Cool
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Thu 18 Jan, 2007 05:13 pm

The funding to UM schools is not the same as 'all funding to MO schools'.

As I said, you exaggerated the story and implied that 'ALL funding to MO schools' was the issue.

If you need me to provide what the MRTL is doing with

MSU, Truman, NWM, SeMO, and other public schools, I can certainly have my frined in ASUM contact the representitives of those institutes and collaborate this for you.


Imagine if Americans Against the War lobbied for money for a facility to study and find ways of bringing about global peace, and then the Army decided to move their War College from Ft Leavenworth to that facility. Do you think AAW would object? It seems like they probably would.

Now imagine that AAW tried to stop funding to several other schools uninvolved in the issue.

MU's Life science and biology building's purpose is very transparent, MRTL's surprize that you are claiming for them, is foolish.


I'll scroll past your posts in the future.

Go ahead, you don't read them most of the time anyway.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Jan, 2007 03:16 pm
real life wrote:
Can you distinguish between 'self defense' and 'discomfort'? If someone makes me 'uncomfortable', have I the right to kill them in 'self defense'?

Again, your argument regarding sentience is little more than a smokescreen if you are willing to defend the woman's 'right' to abort if she is 'uncomfortable' at any point in the pregnancy.

I DID distinguish between self-defense if the pregnancy would harm her and continued discomfort if the fetus was defective.

I said nothing about aborting a sentient fetus simply because she was "uncomfortable," although she has the right to abort for ANY reason in the first two trimesters. Please try to comprehend what my words mean instead of distorting them into a straw man.

I thought the example I gave of a mother maiming the child in utero would have made my position clear. The unborn is a living human being and it is wrong to intentionally harm him/her at any point.

I must have missed that post, and it seems as if we agree on the point about harming human beings. We just don't agree on what a "human being" is.

Should parents be barred from choosing an IVF embryo with a congenital handicap over a normal one? If so, who defines "normal"?

Two different questions, and I don't have an answer for either. Sorry. They are scarcely related to the topic at hand. The Framers of the Constitution , as a group, declared certain rights to be inalienable. How Mr Jefferson's individual view did or didnt coincide with this is somewhat irrelevant.

You are the one who posted words from the Declaration of Independence, and I think it is very relevant that the man who declared the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to be unalienable was able to deny those rights when it came to his own slaves. What does it mean to have "unalienable rights" if they can be alienated at the whim of the society you live in?

Whether I consider someone my 'equal' is not the same as asking whether I think I have the right to kill that person if they inconvenience me. Do you see the difference?

I do not have the right to kill my equals for trivial reasons, but I do not consider an embryo or an animal to be my equal or to have the same rights granted to a real person. Do you really consider a mindless embryo to be your equal? Smile

I agree that rights should be recognized and protected by society. That was the position of the Founders as well. Rights do not ORIGINATE with society, however, and that is an important difference.

Well, then, where do YOU think rights originate? Nature does not recognize any inherent right to life, and neither does God, judging by his actions as reported in the Bible and the number of people who die from "natural causes."

At the moment of birth, the newborn is a 'living human being', i.e. 'a person', NOT because he/she has interacted with another or has 'developed character (or character traits)' or 'developed culture'.

The same is true BEFORE birth. The unborn is a living human being, i.e. a person.

He/she does not 'become a person' only after some interaction with another.

I agree that a newborn is a living human being (as is a third trimester fetus) but disagreed with your assertion that they "obviously" have NO character or culture. I agree with Diest TKO that interaction with other human beings is a fundamental requirement for developing the abilities that distinguish humans from other animals, such as character, culture, language and ethics.

There is a difference between something that happens unintentionally and something that is intentionally caused.

Do you not see the difference?

Many people contract AIDS unintentionally. Does that mean one has the right to intentionally infect someone with HIV to cause AIDS?

Miscarriage is not a justification for abortion.

Yes, and that is why abortion is justified for unintentional pregnancies. An embryo has no right to intentionally infect a woman. Wastage/miscarriage simply shows that God/nature does not value or assign rights to embryos.

Would your definition of 'intentionally handicapping' include Gianna's cerebral palsy?

I do not think that the mother's intent was to handicap the fetus, but to kill it, which is the expected result of an abortion. Her motives are not mentioned in the article, nor why she did not have the abortion earlier in the pregnancy.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 27 Jan, 2007 11:08 pm
Terry wrote:
I agree that a newborn is a living human being (as is a third trimester fetus)...............

So at PRECISELY what point does the fetus become a living human being?

Is it at midnight on the day the third trimester begins?

And how do you know when the third trimester begins , since these dates are all estimates, based on measurements of the size of the unborn as it grows (and of course all of them do not grow at the same rate, nor are they born the same size), and the recollection of the woman of the approximate date of her last period, and the approximate date of sexual activity that could have initiated the pregnancy........

In other words, nobody knows EXACTLY when the third trimester begins, so even if it could be proven that the unborn becomes a living human being at that PRECISE moment, nobody knows when it is.

And of course, the unborn may become a living human being a day prior to the third trimester, may it not? Or two days prior? Or three? Or a week? Or.............can you admit you don't know?

Since that is the case, doesn't allowing abortion up to the third trimester virtually GUARANTEE that living human beings are killed?

Then after the third trimester begins, do you support the complete banning of abortion except to save the life of the mother? If not, then your emphasis on sentience is meaningless, isn't it, since you will allow the unborn to be killed for convenience at that stage also?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 27 Jan, 2007 11:54 pm
Since they are only guestimates, they are not considered "human beings" until birth.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Jan, 2007 02:44 pm
Real life, there is no specific minute, day or even week that a fetus can be proven to be a human being, other than birth. Fetal brain development is a gradual process, but by 30 weeks gestation there are patterned brain waves that might reflect a rudimentary awareness. Or not. We don't know what, if any, capability it has for consciousness. When does an acorn become an oak tree, or a house under construction become a home?

We do know FOR CERTAIN that a fetus ISN'T a human being prior to 24 weeks of gestation, because the necessary brain connections have not yet been made. Limiting abortions to the first 24 weeks when awareness probably does not exist at least until 30 weeks seems to be a comfortable margin, and since virtually all abortions are done before the 5th month (most within the first 7 weeks), IMO the odds of killing a rudimentary human being are miniscule. Yes, it is possible if gestational age is miscalculated. It is possible (and far more likely) that a real human being will be killed by some other medical mistake. It is also possible that an innocent man could be executed under our legal system. If we banned everything that might kill a human being by accident, no one could drive, eat in a restaurant, go hunting, or anything else. The possibility of error exists in every endeavor, but that is a risk we take.

As I said several times already (you should try responding to what is posted instead of arguments that only exist in your own mind), 3rd trimester abortions ARE NOT AND CANNOT BE DONE SIMPLY FOR CONVENIENCE. A human being may be killed to save the life or health of the mother. And an abortion may be done to reduce her suffering IF THE FETUS IS NON-VIABLE DUE TO GENETIC DEFECTS. I thought I made that pretty clear in my last few posts.

Apparently you also missed the questions I asked you (hint: they were the sentences that had a "?" after them):

Should parents be barred from choosing an IVF embryo with a congenital handicap over a normal one? If so, who defines "normal"?

What does it mean to have "unalienable rights" if they can be alienated at the whim of the society you live in?

Do you really consider a mindless embryo to be your equal?

Well, then, where do YOU think rights originate?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 28 Jan, 2007 06:45 pm
Terry wrote:
As I said several times already (you should try responding to what is posted instead of arguments that only exist in your own mind), 3rd trimester abortions ARE NOT AND CANNOT BE DONE SIMPLY FOR CONVENIENCE.

This is simply not true.

Terry wrote:
A human being may be killed to save the life or health of the mother.
These are two different issues. I have no problem with abortion to save the life of the mother.

On the other hand, the health exceptions as they exist today are so broadly crafted as to be indistinguishable from convenience.

Terry wrote:
And an abortion may be done to reduce her suffering IF THE FETUS IS NON-VIABLE DUE TO GENETIC DEFECTS.

What suffering are you referring to?

How often is a fetus thought to be genetically defective when it is not? In my own experience, I know several women who gave birth to perfectly healthy babies that were supposedly 'defective' and doctors pushed them to abort.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Mon 29 Jan, 2007 12:00 am
real life wrote:
Terry wrote:
I agree that a newborn is a living human being (as is a third trimester fetus)...............

So at PRECISELY what point does the fetus become a living human being?

Is it at midnight on the day the third trimester begins?

And how do you know when the third trimester begins , since these dates are all estimates, based on measurements of the size of the unborn as it grows (and of course all of them do not grow at the same rate, nor are they born the same size), and the recollection of the woman of the approximate date of her last period, and the approximate date of sexual activity that could have initiated the pregnancy........

In other words, nobody knows EXACTLY when the third trimester begins, so even if it could be proven that the unborn becomes a living human being at that PRECISE moment, nobody knows when it is.

And of course, the unborn may become a living human being a day prior to the third trimester, may it not? Or two days prior? Or three? Or a week? Or.............can you admit you don't know?

Since that is the case, doesn't allowing abortion up to the third trimester virtually GUARANTEE that living human beings are killed?

Then after the third trimester begins, do you support the complete banning of abortion except to save the life of the mother? If not, then your emphasis on sentience is meaningless, isn't it, since you will allow the unborn to be killed for convenience at that stage also?

Someone would first be argueing that the unborn is not a living human being, then they'd have to be establishing that they are basing their stanc on that fact.

If they aren't contending if it is a living human being, then you are asking irrelevant questions.

If the law can decide when we lose our rights, it can certainly dictate when we inherit those rights as well. As held by precident, The mother has been able to be the decider on when and if those rights are established.

Not being able to pinpoint the second in which the third trimester begins is irrelevant. Terms such as "trimester" are terms defined my the medical community for some degree of description of the process on pregnacy.

This is an arguement about legitmacy. Whether or not, the mother/couple should legitimately have the choice. Whether or not the choice is always legitimate, and whether or not legitimate legislation is present.

Yes. No. No. By my vote, but if RL and his like would have it their way I'd say Yes. No. Hell no. The system as is is certainly far from perfect, but Pro-lifers such as RL, are othing more than anti-choice bigots with no real genuine concern for life.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 29 Jan, 2007 11:54 am
Diest wrote: Yes. No. No. By my vote, but if RL and his like would have it their way I'd say Yes. No. Hell no. The system as is is certainly far from perfect, but Pro-lifers such as RL, are nothing more than anti-choice bigots with no real genuine concern for life.

This is the primary concept that continues to escape the brain of real. Tring to discuss this issue with "this" poster is like knocking one's head against the wall; it never penetrates.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 09:29 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
...This is the primary concept that continues to escape the brain of real. Tring to discuss this issue with "this" poster is like knocking one's head against the wall; it never penetrates.


And of course - vice-versa!!! :wink:
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 30 Jan, 2007 11:00 am
baddog, So, you support real's position on the unborn?
0 Replies

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