Diest TKO wrote:
My arguement for legality is simple. You can't equate all forms of life in the womb to a child. There is a significant difference between a partial birth abortion and a embryo being cultivated for stem cells. RL sees these two acts as being ethically and morally equivilant.
For instance. I can certainly agree that a embryo, zygote and fetus, if given a womb and nutrition, will develop and come to term; be born. RL's logical path allows him to justify then that...
The legality is simple?Really?
So someone terminating a wanted pregnancy (by the mother) should come with a legal charge of....... what?
Simpler yet.........why?
Does this equation fly now?
Maybe the equation should read:
embryo=zygote=fetus=baby=child=human..... sometimes
This particular zygote = a child!
Another zygote does not.
The Equal Protection Clause, part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, provides that "no state shallÂ… deny to ANY PERSON within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
The Equal Protection Clause can be seen as an attempt to secure the promise of the United States' professed commitment to the proposition that "all men are created equal" by empowering the judicary to enforce that principle against the states.
Simple.....are the unborn persons....or not?
Some are wanted and some are not. Some are protected and others destroyed.
How does this sit with people?
If this is ok for people to do and a protected right (choice).....why if God almighty (creator of the heavens and earth) does the same as in the old testament....he is......considered....by some(ask Frank, yourself,)
If God sends his son to show his love for all......people's stomaches turn no matter what God does.
Receive Jesus and accept him as Lord and saviour. Love him back and your neighbor and the unwanted and the unlovable. We all were unwanted and unlovable in someone's eyes (maybe even our own).
God loves you now....just as you are....surrender to Jesus Christ and be saved. He will forgive and not abandon.