Ticomaya wrote:What's the difference between "pro-choice" and "pro-abortion"? None really. It's the same thing, but you demonstrate the semantic tricks of the pro-choice/abortion crowd.
We could also call it "pro-killing-innocent-unborn-babies," despite your claims otherwise. All you have done is rationalized that the baby is not human in order to justify your thinking on the issue (i.e., "If a woman wants to kill her baby, she ought to be able to do so, after all, it's her baby. And anyway, it's not a "baby," ... it's a "fetus" or an "embryo" or some other name that indicates it is not living.").
How can you even ask such a question, Tico? There is a huge difference
between the two. Being "pro-choice" defines and supports the right
to choose. In other words: I support whatever choice my fellow female
has decided for herself, and should she choose to have an abortion,
it is her choice to make, not mine. That doesn't mean, I would do the
same. Got it?
One cannot kill an unborn being you refer to as baby, as it is not defined as such by the law. You of all people should know the definition, Tico.
Okay, back to the death penalty topic.