Steve 41oo wrote:I cant believe this debate still rages in the United States. All civilised societies have abandoned capital punishment long ago...but then perhaps the United States is not really civilised.
"Long ago" = about 48 years. Not a particularly significant piece of the long history of the nation that practiced the quartering and disembowelling of those who threatened the king/queen or the established religion a few centuries ago, and hanging for a wide variety of offensed until decades ago.. Was Britain "civilized" during the Elizabethan and Victorian Ages which it celebrates so much?
The French Revolution has long been the model for the murderous idealogues who plagued the world in the name of various "isms' each claiming the ability to perfect mankind while slaughtering individual men and women by the millions. By contrast the American revolution (which preceeded it) achieved a practical, working civil democracy, imperfect at every stage, but able to work out its economic life and social contradictions without the need for colonies and empire.
By Steve's standards the "civilization" of Western Europe is a very recent affair, one that developed only in the wake of WWII. If that is so, then they have America to thank for it.