I'm with Sophia, An honest politician is one that, when you buy him, stays bought.
Bush IMO hasn't- but the lying is besides the point. Congress should have called him on it. They were quick enough on Nixon.
When you give a person practically unlimited funds, call him the most powerful person in the world, with Kings and Popes seeking his ear, how can we (the great unwashed) expect his view of reality to correspond with ours.
Thats why we need so many princelings. And THEY failed
Dys and JL,
I have also argued that little facet of life. I am against federal funding for education simply because of that economically enforced coercion.
Humans being what they are a bias is inevitable. When a single entity is responsible for funding education a bias must slip in. The only way that I can see to eliminate that bias is to eliminate federal control. At least the damage done our children would be minimized.
A researcher is not likely to discover anything that would imperil his funding. (his boss wouldn't permit it anyways)
A CIA agent is not likely to discover anything that would imperil his agency. (his pension, or his bosses office)
(The Nation magazine had a cute little article about this enforced collusion betwixt the funders and the funded vis-a-vis the Oval office and Langley VA.) June 30, 03 issue.
The same holds true in our medical care, especially now with Medicare taking over a great deal of our medical funding and he FDA in charge of medicine. The best of humans would find it impossible to eliminate bias.
(Except probably for me and Frank that is.
