re your comment--- He lies.
I suggest you look up Machiavelli's "The Prince".
Frankly its not nice but his book, a couple hundred years old, outlined the necessities of politics in a very pragmatic manner, and with an astute aprehension of human nature.
Generally, as a group we are not very nice. The larger the group that we have to deal with the less selective we can be about its members.
Politics, which may be considered the art of dealing with the widest possible group of people, necessarily is not apt to be nice. But IMO its nicer than the alternative.
In the early days of television, which I can remember, programming was designed so that the least possible number of people would shut off their set and do something else.
Politics has the same problem. The only way that I see that we can improve the level of politics is to improve the level of the electorate. This has to be done on a world wide basis. Thats where our politicians have to work. Thats is also why we have to be able to change them periodically.
AND sometimes people need help in changing them. Most do not go quietly into the night!

But it used to be never. Frank is not Pollyanna
