Diest TKO wrote:Intrepid wrote:Diest TKO wrote:Intrepid wrote:Diest TKO wrote:
Lastly, because it seems to push some buttons, a death by cross is not profound in terms of pain. So many people have suffered without being on a cross. Their pain is easily comparrable and in some cases their death may exceed the cross in both pain and cruelty. I may not have been nailed to a cross. If I'm not qualified to talk about the pain or cruelty of dying on a cross, how are pro-lifers qualified to talk about the pain and cruelty of abortion?
This is too ridiculous to even merit an answer. Any thinking person would know thie answer to this.
It now comes down to the degree of pain that the fetus feels during an abortion?
What do you consider too much???????
You aren't very well versed in the history of this thread nor the abortion dialogue. Pro-lifers have often made a case about the suffering of the unborn. I don't have an opinion on what is "too much," it's completely besides the point.
Pay attention.
If it is beside the point, why do you bring it up? If it is beside the point and you don't have an opinion, why did you bring it up? If it's completely beside the point, maybe you could explain what the point is.
As I have said many times, you start something and then divert away from what you are saying with a lot of gobbly gook and don't give a valid answer.
It's not that I disagree with your answer... I never get to see it!
Above in red. You brought it up. I don't believe this issue resolves to the degree of pain experienced. You should stop putting words in my mouht and start putting marbles in yours.
P.s. - In blue above is a bold faced lie.
Before this you brought up how Jesus suffered a nicer death than hiv patients. What did you mean by nicer if not less pain or less suffering?
We made no remarks as to what was less painful or nicer until you did!
A distinction was made between a human life (unborn) dieing of natural causes and a human life destroyed at the hands of a person.
Then you said something about how dieing at the hands of others is nicer than by nature and that nature tells a different story on death.
Dieing by either sucks. Dieing and suffering sucks either way.
People can accept if someone gets sick or if a flood or some other natural occurance causes suffering or death. We don't like it and it is tragic.
What people generally WILL NOT accept is when people are being tortured or killed...not so much by nature but, BY THE HANDS OF OTHER MEN and man's devices.
If an earthquake occurs and knocks down a building of people and they die.....it's tragic but no crime has been committed.
If a plane full of men crash into the same causing the same effect. SOCIETY will not sit idly by and say 'oh well at least they went quick and did'nt starve to death" and if they do....they will first make sure if any of those men survived.....they will be prosecuted.
Do you understand this?
We all take risks every day with our health and life....we won't feel comforted over the guy with an uzi in his hand....guns blazing.
It's not ok to kill an unborn human life for convenience. Maybe to save the mortal life of the woman but, other than that....it is what it is...killing a human being.
Don't bring up the guy in deathrow who is serving time for killing a mother and her unborn.....OK?
Don't make any such sickening comparisons of the unborn to murderers...
Some of those murderers killed unborn....did you know that?
Do you know why?
because it's a MURDER! Crazy man.