Eorl wrote:real life wrote: You do not respect HUMAN life
Why do you quote this fraction of a sentence out of context? Simply to hide what the point was?
Eorl wrote:...and this coming from someone who thinks he has the moral right to kill criminals !!
Wrong. Just plain error.
I have never said that
I have that right.
Eorl wrote:I have more respect for human life than you do "real life". I just base my definition of what qualifies as human life on practical reality,
How is it 'practical reality' to deny that a newborn is a human being?
How is it 'practical reality' to insist (as you did) that until one meets the wikipedia 'definition' of a human being, (i.e. builds a fire, produces art and literature) that one doesn't qualify as a 'human being'.
Don't deny it; it's right here
Eorl wrote:rather than on mystical notions of god-given sanctity and superiority.
How you wish I had based my argument on religious reasons. Instead, I have constantly presented medical evidence that the unborn
and newborns are living human beings.
Something you have no medical evidence to refute, so you are left with misstating my position.
Eorl wrote:Your efforts to make me the monster for taking the kind of position on human rights that Amnesty International supports...is kinda silly.
AI does not deny human status to newborns.
Eorl wrote:You are demonising me for refusing to burn witches. Ain't gonna work.
Not even the topic. Just a wild rant on your part. You appear to be hysterical.