TRUE or FALSE: What Goes Around Comes Around ?

Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 05:52 pm

The mind is a powerful thing. The imagination can take people places that don't even exist. I've been there. I wonder now if this "white" light that people claim to see, feel, etc... isn't really something that our society has conditioned them to believe enough that the mind actually just prior to actual death somehow creates for them.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 05:55 pm
hephzibah wrote:

Bitchdom here I come.

Ha ha, thanks for the laugh Hepzibach. You have every right to do that, it's called rebellion -- backing away from something in order to see it, examine it, objectively.

I traveled through bitchdom, at times my anger scared me, but I let everybody have it, learned to swear at people whom others thought may even hurt me. Got fired from 2 jobs, walked out on one, like Take-this-job-and-shove-it.

I lived this way for a few years (well, 8), no work, riding horses, loving life, met some unbelievable people. One was a tiny very beautiful blond lady who had been raped by two guys, another a woman who had been raped by a priest at 18. These kinds of people just crossed my path, we raised each other's self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence, laughed hard, and cried.

Some of these people I met at a large Unity church in Michigan, jeez, the whole conversation was angry, getting it out, taking all these weird classes, attending support groups. I loved the place, so did the other 2000. Studied at their ministerial college.

Now, I'm a little calmer, getting used to the new me which is a combination of the two -- the wimp and the bitch. I don't attend any church because they all seem a little silly considering what I can study on my own.

I learned a lot from the horses, how to control your mind (they know what your thinking). I had been such a scaredy cat all my life but I pretended to be brave on that animal's back because they know, Oh, they know when you don't know anythng. I took my riding lessons, no more thumping that poor mare's back, jabing her teeth with the bit. After awhile I convinced myself, considering all those fits I threw, that I am the director of my life and can do anything I please, just by learning how.
So, I do.

You know, all those bitchy things I did didn't disappear but maybe I was lucky. I got jobs, somehow, without filling out resumes. When my jobs were through, someone would simply offer me another.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 06:02 pm
The "white light"? I don't know, but there seems to be different ways to experience that. When I used to ride my mare off in the wilds by myself I would imagine a white light surrounding me, and the horse. I might have been afraid at times but I never got hurt. I think we have to bring these things about ourselves. I never took classes in meditation but have read many books. It's very tedious but anyone can use a sport, whatever work you have for the day, or just to get an answer to a question, like "What would you have me do today?" But, it is a study.
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Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 06:23 pm
sunlover wrote:
hephzibah wrote:

Bitchdom here I come.

Ha ha, thanks for the laugh Hepzibach. You have every right to do that, it's called rebellion -- backing away from something in order to see it, examine it, objectively.

I traveled through bitchdom, at times my anger scared me, but I let everybody have it, learned to swear at people whom others thought may even hurt me. Got fired from 2 jobs, walked out on one, like Take-this-job-and-shove-it.

I lived this way for a few years (well, 8), no work, riding horses, loving life, met some unbelievable people. One was a tiny very beautiful blond lady who had been raped by two guys, another a woman who had been raped by a priest at 18. These kinds of people just crossed my path, we raised each other's self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence, laughed hard, and cried.

Some of these people I met at a large Unity church in Michigan, jeez, the whole conversation was angry, getting it out, taking all these weird classes, attending support groups. I loved the place, so did the other 2000. Studied at their ministerial college.

Now, I'm a little calmer, getting used to the new me which is a combination of the two -- the wimp and the bitch. I don't attend any church because they all seem a little silly considering what I can study on my own.

I learned a lot from the horses, how to control your mind (they know what your thinking). I had been such a scaredy cat all my life but I pretended to be brave on that animal's back because they know, Oh, they know when you don't know anythng. I took my riding lessons, no more thumping that poor mare's back, jabing her teeth with the bit. After awhile I convinced myself, considering all those fits I threw, that I am the director of my life and can do anything I please, just by learning how.
So, I do.

You know, all those bitchy things I did didn't disappear but maybe I was lucky. I got jobs, somehow, without filling out resumes. When my jobs were through, someone would simply offer me another.

Shocked Did you say horses????? Mr. Green

Most of my life lessons have come from horses it seems. I took up horse whispering for a while. It was one of the most enriching experiences I've had in life. It taught me a lot about myself and my own behaviors. It helped me to understand things about myself. And to see the transformation that can take place in an animal that has been misunderstood it's entire life, and have someone finally come across their path that can speak their language, instead of just beating them for being "bad", was nothing short of amazing.

I can definitely be a bitch, no doubt. I know I have been more than once here, and the area's I'm tightening up on, it's actually working to my advantage. It's such a difficult thing to balance at this point. Having just uprooted myself from some things I believed very strongly for a very long time. Years ago someone told me I wear my heart on my sleeve which makes it really easy to be taken advantage of. His words proved to be true. When I was really "religious" it only emphasized that part of me and taught me to almost inspire that kind of behavior from people. Sure... walk all over me. I'm a christian and I "looove" you anyway. Why? Because you being nasty to me falls into the classification of me suffering for Christs sake. *sigh*

Most of what I said was out of sheer anger the other day. Just reaching a point of absolute frustration with everything and feeling I have no release sometimes. Sure I can talk about it, but you know, the greatest release I ever found for my frustrations in life was working with horses. I don't think I could be any farther from horses than I am right now though. Believe it or not as much as I understood them, they understood me as well. It is a give and take sort of thing. Open, free, and unconditional. I would love to be a horse whisperer. It's on my list of things to accomplish as I'm trying to figure out which path to take in life and when to head up it.

I really don't want to be a bitch, but I am coming to realize I can be if I need to be, and that's perfectly ok.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 06:56 pm
hephzibah wrote:

The mind is a powerful thing.
The imagination can take people places
that don't even exist.

I've been there. I wonder now if this "white" light that people claim to see, feel, etc... isn't really something that our society has conditioned them to believe enough that the mind actually just prior to actual death somehow creates for them.

I understand what u say,
but if u see a truck rolling down the street,
u might believe that it is really there.
If u see a White Light, it is not necessarily
a product of self-deception.

My health was not in jeopardy.

I was seated in comfort, listening to a lecture in a hotel
at Lexington Ave & 49th St, after a fine lunch
at a good restaurant ( no drugs, not even alcohol, involved )
when ( for lack of a better description ) it seemed as if
the sky opened ( yet, I felt that I was seeing this inside my head ).
I saw the top half of a circular, huge White Light,
within which I intuitively recognized INTELLIGENCE far above and beyond
the scale of human understanding, bearing a Great Benevolence.
This lasted for about 20 minutes; it was a very emotional experience.

People who have returned from death
have told of telepathic conversations with the Light.

I had no words passing, in my experience, just the observation.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 11:13 pm
snood wrote:
Has got to be THE biggest load of crap that has ever crossed my lips. Well my fingertips actually. You know who makes it in this world? The people who don't allow themselves to put anything else above what they want. The people who don't become a doormat for everyone to wipe their feet on. The people who do whatever it is they need to do no matter who they hurt in the process, as long as it isn't themselves, it's all good.

Bitchdom here I come.

Well, in my opinion, the people you describe might get all the "stuff" they want, and they may get the admiration of all the people who think that the shiniest, prettiest lives are the best, but they still miss out on what's important.

If you **** on people and put your gain above treating people fairly, you may get to party with the Donald Trumps, but you will never know what it's like to have a family and friends and a significant other who love you and respect you. You may get to strut and stick out your chest for a season, but you will never have the lasting satisfaction that comes from knowing that others have your back, and would sacrifice for you and who miss you when you're gone.

I'm sorry for whatever disappointments led you to the "change of heart" you've been sharing about on A2K for the last few weeks. But if all the whining you've been doing is a reflection of the quality of faith you had, then you were always living only for yourself in the first place, so now that you're headed for "bitchdom" - there won't really be any change.



Changed my mind about that response.

I suppose you believe that all this crap is happening to me because I've turned from "God" right snood?

I didn't say anything about God - this thread was talking about what goes around comes around, and I was agreeing with that, after a fashion. Your problems with God are your own affair. I was talking about things I consider to be universal truths involving reaping what you sow.

Because you see I am no longer in "His favor", therefore I must be punished.

Rather than just letting me live my life He must make my life on earth hell too.

THEN send me to eternal hell as well.

Man. What a just God you serve snood.

I believe that when you set up an argument that someone has not made, and then knock it down, it is called erecting a straw man. All that stuff about God punishing someone came from right between your ears, not from me.

Oh yes, and I must add what a fine example of this "God's" mercy and compassion you are as well.

I was saying that I think a life lived to fatten one's purse and swell one's resume nets a lot of empty rewards. You're talking about me being some kind of representative of God. Again, your issues, not mine.

I think I'll put on my tutu and dance right back into the arms of Jesus now.

However... point taken.

I'm done.

You're also quite thoroughly indulging yourself in a historically proportioned wallow of self pity.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 01:02 am
Snood wrote:
You may get to strut and stick out your chest for a season, but
you will never have the lasting satisfaction that comes from knowing
that others have your back,

David replied:
Can u PROVE this ??
U deny that she can hire competent bodyguards ??

Laughing Laughing

Snood - I also really liked what you said about the true level or quality of a belief if it can be disregarded so easily. I've actually tried not to believe in God. I'm surrounded by people - friends that I love- who I'd seem much cooler and more rational to if I could just be sane and logical like they are and throw that old inconvenient **** by the wayside so I could join the party - but I can't. And luckily they accept that that's just who I am. Because it is literally an innate, cellular belief that I can't separate from my person or soul, or whatever it is that people call that which makes them uniquely themselves.

Luckily, I find total comfort in it. No judgement what-so-ever. Just an overriding tide of peace and calm that I can't imagine living and making it through in this world without.

I like the AA term "a god of your own understanding"-that makes it a part of you, whoever you are. Maybe trying to adopt a god of someone elses understanding is where the problem arises- when you do that- s/he's never really integrated into who you are and become a part of you. I guess that's why it's easier to separate from it or deny it when circumstances arise.

David wrote:
Folks who have died
have reported encountering a White Light of unconditional love.
I have seen such a Light, tho I have not died

I've see it too David. It wasn't so much a visual light though, as being engulfed by warmth that my mind interpreted as light. I just felt calm, peaceful and overwhelmingly cared for. It reminded me of how it must have felt to be a child before you are able to consciously worry about anything. It's blissful and otherworldly and does change your whole perspective on this life and everything in it.

But I can't imagine firearms fitting in with it. Can you explain that? I think you should change your avatar to more fully represent who you really are. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 01:56 am
I know its difficult trying to discern who someone is by just these bits of information and expression that we post here, but I've always perceived warmth and groundedness in the things you say.

A long time back (maybe 2 years) in a thread I started about "Whiteness Studies", you actually defended me against another poster who was trying to characterize me as someone who saw EVERYTHING negatively through the filter of race.

I never thanked you for that. Thanks you Aidan.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 02:18 am
You're welcome Snood.

Thank you for viewing me through kind eyes. I appreciate it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 02:39 am
aidan wrote:
David wrote:
Folks who have died
have reported encountering a White Light of unconditional love.
I have seen such a Light, tho I have not died

I've see it too David. It wasn't so much a visual light though, as being engulfed by warmth that my mind interpreted as light. I just felt calm, peaceful and overwhelmingly cared for. It reminded me of how it must have felt to be a child before you are able to consciously worry about anything.

It came upon my perception quite unexpectedly,
after lunch, while I sat listening to a lecture.

Because there were no words,
there was no identification.
On other occasions when I have mentioned this,
people have pressured me to say that I saw God.
I cannot say whether I saw God, or an angel,
or my higher self, or anything beyond what I described.
Even remembering it, is a very emotional experience.

It's blissful and otherworldly and does change your whole perspective on this life
and everything in it.

It is the most profound topic, treated more in depth at www.IANDS.org

Inter alia, it suggested that the diversity of life is an illusion,
and that only one life exists, being shared by humans, animals, plants, etc
If that be true, then the joy or misery that u dump upon others
u mete out to yourself.
( I am reminded of an illusion I had in the ante-chamber to the bathroom
of my suite at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas,
when I saw myself reflected in 6 mirrors, at once:
I counted 47 reflections of myself. There was only ONE real me. )

Another profound concept set forth within the body of knowledge of NDEs
is that one experiences the good or ill that one has expressed in life,
during one 's life review, on Judgment Day
when u r the judge, judging your incarnate life
by the criteria of Love and Learning.

In consequence whereof, some years ago, I adopted a hobby
of inflicting acts of unexpected kindness upon my fellow beings
( e.g., dropping dimes n quarters from a passing hot air balloon
into the grass below, for nearby children to take, like an Easter egg hunt ).
" The quality of mercy is not 'strained. It falleth as the gentle rain
from Heaven upon the Earth beneath. It is twice blessed,
blessing he who gives and he who takes. "


But I can't imagine firearms fitting in with it. Can you explain that?
I think you should change your avatar to more fully represent who you really are. Laughing

I armed myself with a .38 revolver at the age of 8.
When I saw the White Light, I was already middle-aged.
I did not have the sense that the issue of firearms,
nor the attendant political freedom,
was significant, at that time.

I remember a client of mine,
an earthy, pragmatic sort who did not appear to be much
given to spiritual concerns tell us, during a pause in a
deposition, of his being in a hospital, the day b4 he was to
have another in a series of surgeries to his back,
that he saw a Being of Light, the size of a basketball
in his room, who told him that he 'd not make it thru this one,
but that he convinced to let him survive because of an energetic
young son he had, whom he doubted his wife cud keep out of jail,
without his assistance. He said that the Being of Light was
convinced by this argument, and relented.

Unlike my client, in my case,
no words, telepathic nor otherwise, were exchanged.
I just had a feeling that I shud worry less.
I felt like a kid being patted on the head.
At the time, I had been a bit nervous about some litigation.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 05:41 am
snood wrote:
snood wrote:
Has got to be THE biggest load of crap that has ever crossed my lips. Well my fingertips actually. You know who makes it in this world? The people who don't allow themselves to put anything else above what they want. The people who don't become a doormat for everyone to wipe their feet on. The people who do whatever it is they need to do no matter who they hurt in the process, as long as it isn't themselves, it's all good.

Bitchdom here I come.

Well, in my opinion, the people you describe might get all the "stuff" they want, and they may get the admiration of all the people who think that the shiniest, prettiest lives are the best, but they still miss out on what's important.

If you **** on people and put your gain above treating people fairly, you may get to party with the Donald Trumps, but you will never know what it's like to have a family and friends and a significant other who love you and respect you. You may get to strut and stick out your chest for a season, but you will never have the lasting satisfaction that comes from knowing that others have your back, and would sacrifice for you and who miss you when you're gone.

I'm sorry for whatever disappointments led you to the "change of heart" you've been sharing about on A2K for the last few weeks. But if all the whining you've been doing is a reflection of the quality of faith you had, then you were always living only for yourself in the first place, so now that you're headed for "bitchdom" - there won't really be any change.



Changed my mind about that response.

I suppose you believe that all this crap is happening to me because I've turned from "God" right snood?

I didn't say anything about God - this thread was talking about what goes around comes around, and I was agreeing with that, after a fashion. Your problems with God are your own affair. I was talking about things I consider to be universal truths involving reaping what you sow.

Quite honestly snood, I did a rash post out of sheer anger, not directed at anyone, most certainly not you, and you decided to jump in with some very nasty judgemental unnecessary comments. A trait that seems to come quite easy to christians, to judge anothers faith. No big surprise really, though I guess I didn't really expect it from you.

snood wrote:
Because you see I am no longer in "His favor", therefore I must be punished.

Rather than just letting me live my life He must make my life on earth hell too.

THEN send me to eternal hell as well.

Man. What a just God you serve snood.

I believe that when you set up an argument that someone has not made, and then knock it down, it is called erecting a straw man. All that stuff about God punishing someone came from right between your ears, not from me.

Well snood, where does your judgement of my "faith" come from exactly? What gives you the right if not your service to "God"?

snood wrote:
Oh yes, and I must add what a fine example of this "God's" mercy and compassion you are as well.

I was saying that I think a life lived to fatten one's purse and swell one's resume nets a lot of empty rewards. You're talking about me being some kind of representative of God. Again, your issues, not mine.

No snood, whether you want to admit it or not YOU started this argument. I said nothing directed at you or anything you've said until you jumped all over my case.

snood wrote:
I think I'll put on my tutu and dance right back into the arms of Jesus now.

However... point taken.

I'm done.

You're also quite thoroughly indulging yourself in a historically proportioned wallow of self pity.

Heh... if you say so snood. It's obvious you only see what you want to at times. I was being sarcastic with the Jesus comment, and when I say I'm done, I'm done. It's not that hard to understand. Two simple words. As a matter a fact I even gave you a little credit in another thread for helping me see what a downward spiral I've been on lately. Maybe I'm not perfect snood. Though I never said I was. Maybe I do get to feeling a little sorry for myself when I get overwhelmed. I can see and admit that. I do tend to snap out of it though. It just might take me a bit, and it doesn't generally require a bitch slap out of nowhere from someone.

Regardless of what I'm going through snood, I don't believe I have ever treated you in a way that deserved that kind of treatment in return. If I have, I apologize.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 07:57 am
I don't want to make you feel bad.
Believe it or not, I think I am the kind of person that is actually more likely to help a person up than kick them when they're down.

It's just that, for some reason it concerned me when I read your posts that seemed to be saying, in essence, that life was unfair and that you were not going to take it lying down anymore. It seemed to me a self-destructive way to go, and although I probably went about it in a hamhanded way, I wanted to help, not hurt. Sometimes when I am down, the best thing anyone can do is to give me a little reality check to make me let go of my negative feelings. In my experience, I don't like it at the time they do it, but it always seems that the ones who are willing not to buy into my bullshit are the best friends.

I know "God" is a touchy subject. When I say "faith", I don't think I'm talking about the same God/Jesus/Holy Ghost/Guilt/Ceremony deal that one might think.

I happen to think there is a lot to what Aidan said about a God of "one's own understanding", and not trying to adapt to someone else's understanding.

If I hurt you I'm sorry. I generally have enjoyed your "company" on A2K. I understand what you mean when you say that you generally bounce back without being bitchslapped. If what I provided amounted to a self-righteous bitchslap, it's not exactly what I intended.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 11:25 am
Hepzi seems on the brink of finding a healthier sense of religion and/or spirituality and that is a very exciting place to be, watching someone take over the direction of their very own life when they've been taught some issues that appear hypocritical when one becomes of a certain age. She sees it's time to make some healthy changes.

That is just one of life's stages. If one of our legs becomes weak from little use, then it would be prudent to relax the strong one, work the weak one for awhile. Hepzi has seen she can develop other sides to herself that might require anger, even rage. Others might also need to hear what she will/can say.

Heaven forbid, Jesus really had a bitchfit when he threw those pigeon cages, pushed over the tables of the money changers'. Guess he'd had enough.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 01:57 pm
It came upon my perception quite unexpectedly,
after lunch, while I sat listening to a lecture.

Interesting. Was there anything in the lecture that was related to this experience in any way , or were you just daydreaming?

Because there were no words,
there was no identification.
On other occasions when I have mentioned this,
people have pressured me to say that I saw God.
I cannot say whether I saw God, or an angel,
or my higher self, or anything beyond what I described.
Even remembering it, is a very emotional experience.

That's exactly how I would have described it. Absolutely silent, but unmistakeably real and present.
Thanks for the link, but I prefer to trust my own experience, as opposed to comparing it to others.

Inter alia, it suggested that the diversity of life is an illusion,
and that only one life exists, being shared by humans, animals, plants, etc
If that be true, then the joy or misery that u dump upon others
u mete out to yourself.

Someone else on this forum mentioned something about this. I liked the idea of the connectedness of all life. I think if we kept that in mind more completely, this world would be a much more pleasant place.

But I also think "intent" has to play into it. You may cause someone misery without knowledge or intent. Is that inadvertant misery revisited upon someone?

( I am reminded of an illusion I had in the ante-chamber to the bathroom
of my suite at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas,
when I saw myself reflected in 6 mirrors, at once:
I counted 47 reflections of myself. There was only ONE real me. )

David, you're funny as hell. When you post stuff like this I have to laugh, but I also wonder if you're not pulling my leg.

" The quality of mercy is not 'strained. It falleth as the gentle rain from Heaven upon the Earth beneath. It is twice blessed,
blessing he who gives and he who takes. "

That's nice. Is that a Bible verse? What's the scripture- or never mind - I can google it.

I armed myself with a .38 revolver at the age of 8.
When I saw the White Light, I was already middle-aged.
I did not have the sense that the issue of firearms,
nor the attendant political freedom,
was significant, at that time.

I don't mean to harp on the gun issue. Obviously something caused you great anxiety when you were a child and cemented your impression that you needed to be prepared to protect yourself.
I was just joking, but maybe it's not a joking matter to you. Anyway - the avatar is catchy and dramatic - it just seems that you're equally as interested in other issues and concepts as well- and the gun tends to present a pretty one-dimensional and maybe misleading first impression..none of my business though.

Unlike my client, in my case,
no words, telepathic nor otherwise, were exchanged.
I just had a feeling that I shud worry less.
I felt like a kid being patted on the head.
At the time, I had been a bit nervous about some litigation.

Exactly, twice I've felt something really palpably calming and present with me - and both times I was nervous and afraid. Both times, out of the blue, I was suddenly just assured that I needn't worry. That everything would be alright.
A non-believer might say - "That was just your coping skills kicking in" - but I'd ask, "Why do I get to have coping skills while other people just as deserving get to have panic attacks?"
On a more routine, daily basis that's what God does for me in my life: gives me confidence and the assurance that whatever happens, I'm not alone. Maybe it is a crutch or a delusion, but it's always been a positive in my life. So it's no worse than any other crutch or delusion people choose to live with, because everybody does choose something.

I also think it's good to find something more important and/or worthy than oneself to focus gratefulness on. If only for the simple fact of the beauty of the world we live in - I'm led to focus that gratefulness toward a presence I know is greater than me or any other human.

Besides I know what I've felt is real to me- and that's all that matters (to me, in terms of believing or not believing).

You've had some interesting experiences David and you seem surprisingly open-minded. I'm glad I didn't go with my first impression-it's turned out to be totally wrong...imagine that :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 06:55 pm
snood wrote:
I don't want to make you feel bad.
Believe it or not, I think I am the kind of person that is actually more likely to help a person up than kick them when they're down.

It's just that, for some reason it concerned me when I read your posts that seemed to be saying, in essence, that life was unfair and that you were not going to take it lying down anymore. It seemed to me a self-destructive way to go, and although I probably went about it in a hamhanded way, I wanted to help, not hurt. Sometimes when I am down, the best thing anyone can do is to give me a little reality check to make me let go of my negative feelings. In my experience, I don't like it at the time they do it, but it always seems that the ones who are willing not to buy into my bullshit are the best friends.

I know "God" is a touchy subject. When I say "faith", I don't think I'm talking about the same God/Jesus/Holy Ghost/Guilt/Ceremony deal that one might think.

I happen to think there is a lot to what Aidan said about a God of "one's own understanding", and not trying to adapt to someone else's understanding.

If I hurt you I'm sorry. I generally have enjoyed your "company" on A2K. I understand what you mean when you say that you generally bounce back without being bitchslapped. If what I provided amounted to a self-righteous bitchslap, it's not exactly what I intended.

Thank you for apologizing. I understand why you would be concerned snood, and I do appreciate that concern. I'm actually quite relieved to hear you say that because I so did not want to think of you as a jerk. I've never thought of you that way, but the way you reacted really surprised me. I know the path I'm on right now might seem self-destructive, but you know what snood, I think this is a really good path for me to be on right now. Sunlover really summed it up well for me.

Snood all my life I've been a doormat for people to wipe their feet on. Literally all my life. The abuse that happened when I was five set me up on a pretty self-destructive path from the get go. It robbed me of my innocence, my sense of security, and my ability to say no to people. The abuse that followed merely served as a means to promote that frame of mind. I've never quite honestly believed I had a right to say no to anything. As "independent" as I've thought I am, I am coming to realize what a "submissive" I truly am.

The situation at my job where my boss was sexually harassing me helped me realize that. I was so afraid to just speak up for myself. It took me getting really pissed and actually being quite bitchy to him to get him to back off. While on one hand religion helped me to heal from a lot of the hurts I suffered in my childhood and taught me how to forgive and move on from those things, it also did it's share of damage as well.

Because you see snood, I never had to learn to stand up for myself. I never had to learn to tell someone no. As a matter a fact, it was quite the opposite. People were allowed to treat me however they wanted and it was just "ok" because I was "suffering for Christ" now. God, it just amazes me to realize the ability we have to compensate for our weakness'. So all I'm doing here really is trying to learn to stand up for myself. To let some of the strength from the inside of me show on the outside as well.

On the inside I know I am a strong person. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be alive today having been through some of the stuff I've been through, but I never have felt it was ok to show that. That I would be acceptable if I did. But now... I don't really care. I'm not being a doormat anymore darn it. For anyone. I'm sure I'll overstep my bounds at times, and probably stick my foot in my mouth sometimes too. I am after all learning here. But I'm not afraid of any of that because as sunlover said I'm growing as a person. That's what's important at this point. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Nov, 2006 07:44 pm
aidan wrote:
It came upon my perception quite unexpectedly,
after lunch, while I sat listening to a lecture.

Interesting. Was there anything in the lecture that was related to this experience in any way No. , or were you just daydreaming?

Because there were no words,
there was no identification.
On other occasions when I have mentioned this,
people have pressured me to say that I saw God.
I cannot say whether I saw God, or an angel,
or my higher self, or anything beyond what I described.
Even remembering it, is a very emotional experience.

That's exactly how I would have described it. Absolutely silent, but unmistakeably real and present.
Thanks for the link, but I prefer to trust my own experience, as opposed to comparing it to others.

Inter alia, it suggested that the diversity of life is an illusion,
and that only one life exists, being shared by humans, animals, plants, etc
If that be true, then the joy or misery that u dump upon others
u mete out to yourself.

Someone else on this forum mentioned something about this.
I liked the idea of the connectedness of all life.
I think if we kept that in mind more completely, this world would be a much more pleasant place.
I doubt that Saddam wud have run folks
thru industrial strength shredders
( sometimes against their will )
if he thought of them as part of his OWN life.

But I also think "intent" has to play into it.
You may cause someone misery without knowledge or intent.
Is that inadvertant misery revisited upon someone? I 'm not sure; ergo, the link.
( I am reminded of an illusion I had in the ante-chamber to the bathroom
of my suite at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas,
when I saw myself reflected in 6 mirrors, at once:
I counted 47 reflections of myself. There was only ONE real me. )

David, you're funny as hell. When you post stuff like this I have to laugh, but I also wonder if you're not pulling my leg.

" The quality of mercy is not 'strained. It falleth as the gentle rain from Heaven upon the Earth beneath. It is twice blessed,
blessing he who gives and he who takes. "

That's nice. Is that a Bible verse? What's the scripture- or never mind - I can google it.
Shakespeare; "The Merchant of Venice"

I armed myself with a .38 revolver at the age of 8.
When I saw the White Light, I was already middle-aged.
I did not have the sense that the issue of firearms,
nor the attendant political freedom,
was significant, at that time.

I don't mean to harp on the gun issue.
Obviously something caused you great anxiety when you were a child
and cemented your impression that you needed to be prepared to protect yourself.
No; I was at home alone a lot, at age 8,
and I felt ill-at-ease about defending the place,
if that became necessary, until I armed myself.

I remember lying in bed, at age 3, contemplating the
misappropriation of the revolvers and bandoliers
of police officers, or of bank guards,
as I lusted after the guns.

I was just joking, but maybe it's not a joking matter to you.
Anyway - the avatar is catchy and dramatic -
It looks a lot like my first gun.
it just seems that you're equally as interested in other issues and concepts as well- and the gun tends to present a pretty one-dimensional and maybe misleading first impression..none of my business though.

Unlike my client, in my case,
no words, telepathic nor otherwise, were exchanged.
I just had a feeling that I shud worry less.
I felt like a kid being patted on the head.
At the time, I had been a bit nervous about some litigation.

Exactly, twice I've felt something really palpably calming and present with me - and both times I was nervous and afraid. Both times, out of the blue, I was suddenly just assured that I needn't worry. That everything would be alright.
A non-believer might say - "That was just your coping skills kicking in" - but I'd ask, "Why do I get to have coping skills while other people just as deserving get to have panic attacks?"
On a more routine, daily basis that's what God does for me in my life: gives me confidence and the assurance that whatever happens, I'm not alone. Maybe it is a crutch or a delusion, but it's always been a positive in my life. So it's no worse than any other crutch or delusion people choose to live with, because everybody does choose something.

I also think it's good to find something more important and/or worthy than oneself to focus gratefulness on. If only for the simple fact of the beauty of the world we live in - I'm led to focus that gratefulness toward a presence I know is greater than me or any other human.

Besides I know what I've felt is real to me- and that's all that matters (to me, in terms of believing or not believing).

You've had some interesting experiences David and you seem surprisingly open-minded.
I'm glad I didn't go with my first impression-it's turned out to be totally wrong...imagine that :wink:

Life is full of surprizes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 01:11 am
" The quality of mercy is not 'strained. It falleth as the gentle rain from Heaven upon the Earth beneath. It is twice blessed,
blessing he who gives and he who takes. "

Shakespeare; The Merchant of Venice.

I knew I'd heard it somewhere. I thought it sounded like Psalms.

I remember lying in bed, at age 3, contemplating the
misappropriation of the revolvers and bandoliers
of police officers, or of bank guards,
as I lusted after the guns.

So you saw yourself as either a foe or friend of lawlessness at the age of three? That's interesting, but I don't want to assume what you meant, as your statement can be taken a couple of different ways. Did you mean-
1) You were worried about what happened to the guns and gunbelts stolen from police officers and bank guards, because they were taken by bad guys.
2) You thought about the fact that guns and gunbelts were often stolen from police officers and bank guards, but you didn't worry about that fact, as much as want them for yourself.
3) You're totally pulling my leg.

Whatever, you sound like you were an interesting child. Contemplation and lusting are pretty heavy-duty thought processes for most three year olds. When I was three, I remember contemplating if I'd ever be able to pronounce my "Y" sounds. I used to say "lellow" instead of "yellow" and my dad would sit me on his knee every night and make me practice my "y" sound. That's one of my first memories.
(Now people know that articulation mistakes are developmental, and most children outgrow them on their own by the age of six).

Life is full of surprizes[/quote]
and gifts, sadnesses and consequences, deserved or not.
That whole connectedness issue makes me look at your original question differently, though.
If we're all connected then how can we know if what goes around comes around? If you're caring of the people and world around you, individual behavior and responsibility becomes even more vital to your individual happiness.
But if you're the type of person who shirks individual responsibility, you might look at it as an opportunity to continue to receive good outcomes through the good deeds of others who are acting benevolently, without needing to contribute to that fund of goodness. Do you see what I'm saying? If we're all connected, we might be receiving the negatives or positives deserved by someone else- which in fact we all do.

So I think it's impossible to ascertain on an individual basis if what goes around comes around. There are too many outside variables to ever know. That's scary for me to admit though, as it takes away at least one incentive for doing the right thing. And though I don't think it's right to do things solely for the reward or good it might bring an individual, in today's world, I do think that individual gain is the reason most people do whatever it is they do-either good or bad.
*It makes me sad to say that - even a few weeks ago, when you started this thread, I had a more idealistic view.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 02:54 am
aidan wrote:
" The quality of mercy is not 'strained. It falleth as the gentle rain from Heaven upon the Earth beneath. It is twice blessed,
blessing he who gives and he who takes. "

Shakespeare; The Merchant of Venice.

I knew I'd heard it somewhere. I thought it sounded like Psalms.

I remember lying in bed, at age 3, contemplating the
misappropriation of the revolvers and bandoliers
of police officers, or of bank guards,
as I lusted after the guns.

So you saw yourself as either a foe or friend of lawlessness at the age of three?

No; it was not my intention to join the police.
I enjoyed lying in bed, fantasizing about stealing
the revolver ( or entire rig )
of some hapless policeman or bank guard,
because I lusted for guns.
At that age, I had many imitation handguns,
but no functional guns, until I moved from NY
to Arizona, at age 8.


That's interesting, but I don't want to assume what you meant, as your statement can be taken a couple of different ways. Did you mean-
1) You were worried about what happened to the guns and gunbelts stolen from police officers and bank guards, because they were taken by bad guys.
2) You thought about the fact that guns and gunbelts were often stolen from police officers and bank guards, but you didn't worry about that fact, as much as want them for yourself.
3) You're totally pulling my leg.

Whatever, you sound like you were an interesting child.

My mother ( with whom I had a fine mental n emotional rapport )
said too many times: " David, u r like someone from another planet.
I don 't understand u. "

Contemplation and lusting are pretty heavy-duty thought processes for most three year olds. When I was three, I remember contemplating if I'd ever be able to pronounce my "Y" sounds. I used to say "lellow" instead of "yellow" and my dad would sit me on his knee every night and make me practice my "y" sound. That's one of my first memories.
(Now people know that articulation mistakes are developmental, and most children outgrow them on their own by the age of six).


Life is full of surprizes
and gifts, sadnesses and consequences, deserved or not.
That whole connectedness issue makes me look at your original question differently, though.

If the Law of the Conservation of Energy
applies to conscious life; if conscious life is eternal,
then our biggest danger is boredom.


If we're all connected then how can we know if what goes around comes around?

By observing whether or not
our good or bad deeds are reflected
in good or bad luck for ourselves.


If you're caring of the people and world around you, individual behavior and
responsibility becomes even more vital to your individual happiness.

I have discovered
that my CREATING good luck for someone
who is not expecting it,
can be FUN; I can empathize with him;
( e.g., there was an older man, walking with a cane,
describing himself as a " recovering alcoholic "
to assembled conventioneers at a an IANDS convention,
who was lamenting the paucity of his finances
and some slight unexpected expenses that he 'd encountered,
which he feared wud disable him from attending some
attractive lectures the following day.
I blew his mind with a $50 bill; he expressed being thrilled,
and I enjoyed that ).


But if you're the type of person who shirks individual responsibility, you might look at it as an opportunity to continue to receive good outcomes through the good deeds of others who are acting benevolently, without needing to contribute to that fund of goodness.

I vu it as having FUN,
not taking responsibility.


Do you see what I'm saying? If we're all connected, we might be receiving the negatives or positives deserved by someone else- which in fact we all do.

So I think it's impossible to ascertain on an individual basis if what goes around comes around. There are too many outside variables to ever know.

I understand what u mean.


That's scary for me to admit though, as it takes away at least one incentive for doing the right thing. And though I don't think it's right to do things solely for the reward or good it might bring an individual, in today's world, I do think that
individual gain is the reason most people do
whatever it is they do
-either good or bad.

Yes; 'twas ever thus;
its Nature 's way, since b4 the first dinosaur was hatched.

*It makes me sad to say that - even a few weeks ago, when you started this thread, I had a more idealistic view.[/quote]
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 03:03 am
" The quality of mercy is not 'strained. It falleth as the gentle rain from Heaven upon the Earth beneath. It is twice blessed,
blessing he who gives and he who takes. "

That's nice. Is that a Bible verse? What's the scripture- or never mind - I can google it.

Yikes! Have you never heard of William Shakespeare?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 03:06 am
our biggest danger is boredom.

No, our biggest danger is not being prepared for a good death.
0 Replies

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