TRUE or FALSE: What Goes Around Comes Around ?

Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2006 09:52 pm
sunlover wrote:
OmsigDavid, the book "Five People You Meet in Heaven" is about a man whose life seemed shockingly sad, dreary, and painful in about every way. After death, however, these five people he had known helped him to understand the why of it all, and

showed him how helpful he had been to soooo many.

Does that mean
that during his mortal life, HIS OWN happiness had been subordinated
to the happiness of strangers ( who were preferred above him) ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2006 03:15 pm
OmSigDavid said
[quoteDoes that mean
that during his mortal life, HIS OWN happiness had been subordinated
to the happiness of strangers ( who were preferred above him) ?[/b][/color][/quote]

No, the man's experiences were mostly out of his control. Injured during WWII he suffered from physical pain, losing his (rather special) wife, and having a cold and cruel father, he suffered emotional pain, and misunderstandings of some decisions he made and actions he had taken caused great mental anguish. He, in short, thought his life worthless.

We don't know why misery is a part of the lives of (probably) most and this books may give at least a small insight. To understand this book you could read this sportswriter's first book, Tuesdays with Morrie (true story). "Morrie" is an old man, dying, but was once one of Albom's college instructors. Read the book for the rest of this unusual story.
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Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2006 09:39 pm
sunlover wrote:
OmSigDavid said
[quoteDoes that mean
that during his mortal life, HIS OWN happiness had been subordinated
to the happiness of strangers ( who were preferred above him) ?[/b][/color]

No, the man's experiences were mostly out of his control. Injured during WWII he suffered from physical pain, losing his (rather special) wife, and having a cold and cruel father, he suffered emotional pain, and misunderstandings of some decisions he made and actions he had taken caused great mental anguish. He, in short, thought his life worthless.

We don't know why misery is a part of the lives of (probably) most and this books may give at least a small insight. To understand this book you could read this sportswriter's first book, Tuesdays with Morrie (true story). "Morrie" is an old man, dying, but was once one of Albom's college instructors. Read the book for the rest of this unusual story.[/quote]
Who did he meet in Heaven ?
Did he have fun THERE ?
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Reply Wed 15 Nov, 2006 03:51 pm
Who did he meet in Heaven ?
Did he have fun THERE ?

I've read several really great novels where most of the story followed the death of someone. They are now the spirit, the soul, whatever part of us lives on,. Yet, this man was still himself seeing and re-living his life, knowing things about it that were impossible to know when alive, thanks to the five. Mostly, the books agree, when we die we go wherever we need to go, see whomever we need to see that could help put (the life we just left) in perspective. The questions you ask consume the entire of the small book! Most of the guy's experiences (all, maybe) did not happen as he saw, thought.

So, at the end of the experience of the five, yes, he must have been gloriously happy because, you see, he could then move on -- to only God knows where, I don't. I think, too, the book's message is we can only live the life we are in the best we know how. Don't bitch, complain, get revenge, etc. because then it would be better had you not even lived it at all.

Does that make sense?
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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 05:36 pm
Re: TRUE or FALSE: What Goes Around Comes Around ?
OmSigDAVID wrote:
TRUE or FALSE: " What Goes Around Comes Around " ?

In other words,
has experience led u to believe
that your good deeds or bad deeds
affect the quality of your LUCK ?


I wouldn't call it "luck" necessarily. However I do believe that you get what you give out of life.
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 07:22 am
Re: TRUE or FALSE: What Goes Around Comes Around ?
hephzibah wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
TRUE or FALSE: " What Goes Around Comes Around " ?

In other words,
has experience led u to believe
that your good deeds or bad deeds
affect the quality of your LUCK ?


I wouldn't call it "luck" necessarily. However I do believe that you get what you give out of life.

Explain, please ?
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 09:43 am
Well, lets see here. I believe that to a certain extent we control our destiny. Where we end up. Who we are with. How much we get out of life. It goes a little something like this:

If you are lazy and always expect things to be handed to you in life you aren't going to have much of anything except your complaints about what you don't have.

If you aren't very trusting of people unconsciously you will not present yourself as being very trustworthy either.

If you aren't very friendly to others, there will come a time when even the people you are friendly to are gone or have moved on, and you are surrounded by all the ones you were too good to be friendly to before.

Just a few examples. You get what you give. Sometimes right away, but not always. Life has a way of bringing things back around though. I really believe that.
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 05:59 pm
hephzibah wrote:
Well, lets see here. I believe that to a certain extent we control our destiny. Where we end up. Who we are with. How much we get out of life. It goes a little something like this:

If you are lazy and always expect things to be handed to you in life you aren't going to have much of anything except your complaints about what you don't have.

If you aren't very trusting of people unconsciously you will not present yourself as being very trustworthy either.

If you aren't very friendly to others, there will come a time when even the people you are friendly to are gone or have moved on, and you are surrounded by all the ones you were too good to be friendly to before.

Just a few examples. You get what you give.
Sometimes right away, but not always. Life has a way of bringing things back around though. I really believe that.

" O, give a little more than u r asking for, and Love will turn the key.... "
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 06:05 pm
hephzibah wrote:
Well, lets see here. I believe that to a certain extent we control our destiny. Where we end up. Who we are with. How much we get out of life. It goes a little something like this:

If you are lazy and always expect things to be handed to you in life you aren't going to have much of anything except your complaints about what you don't have.

If you aren't very trusting of people unconsciously you will not present yourself as being very trustworthy either.

If you aren't very friendly to others, there will come a time when even the people you are friendly to are gone or have moved on, and you are surrounded by all the ones you were too good to be friendly to before.

Just a few examples. You get what you give.
Sometimes right away, but not always. Life has a way of bringing things back around though. I really believe that.

" O, give a little more than u r asking for,
and Love will turn the key.... "
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 06:15 pm
Yeah sort of. I guess... but not really.

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Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 10:07 am
I've had a recent change of heart. This right here:

Well, lets see here. I believe that to a certain extent we control our destiny. Where we end up. Who we are with. How much we get out of life. It goes a little something like this:

If you are lazy and always expect things to be handed to you in life you aren't going to have much of anything except your complaints about what you don't have.

If you aren't very trusting of people unconsciously you will not present yourself as being very trustworthy either.

If you aren't very friendly to others, there will come a time when even the people you are friendly to are gone or have moved on, and you are surrounded by all the ones you were too good to be friendly to before.

Just a few examples. You get what you give. Sometimes right away, but not always. Life has a way of bringing things back around though. I really believe that.

Has got to be THE biggest load of crap that has ever crossed my lips. Well my fingertips actually. You know who makes it in this world? The people who don't allow themselves to put anything else above what they want. The people who don't become a doormat for everyone to wipe their feet on. The people who do whatever it is they need to do no matter who they hurt in the process, as long as it isn't themselves, it's all good.

Bitchdom here I come.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 10:57 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
For those near death people who advocates for death, they can have my share. I love life.

If your speaking of those who have had Near Death Experience they don't avocate death, they say we should never be afraid of death. For NDE people living is very important and how you live is more so.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 01:18 pm
xingu, I don't fear death; I just love life. When it's my time, I'll have little or no control over it.
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Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 12:46 am
xingu wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
For those near death people who advocates for death, they can have my share. I love life.

If your speaking of those who have had Near Death Experience they don't avocate death,
they say we should never be afraid of death.
For NDE people living is very important and how you live is more so.

Thay deny the existence of death.
It is their position that ONLY their bodies die,
NOT their minds; that their mental functioning continues,
the same as one keeps walking after one 's shoes have worn out and been discarded.

It is like saying
that the butterfly lives on;
the caterpillar did not die.
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Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 01:02 am
Has got to be THE biggest load of crap that has ever crossed my lips. Well my fingertips actually. You know who makes it in this world? The people who don't allow themselves to put anything else above what they want. The people who don't become a doormat for everyone to wipe their feet on. The people who do whatever it is they need to do no matter who they hurt in the process, as long as it isn't themselves, it's all good.

Bitchdom here I come.

Well, in my opinion, the people you describe might get all the "stuff" they want, and they may get the admiration of all the people who think that the shiniest, prettiest lives are the best, but they still miss out on what's important.

If you **** on people and put your gain above treating people fairly, you may get to party with the Donald Trumps, but you will never know what it's like to have a family and friends and a significant other who love you and respect you. You may get to strut and stick out your chest for a season, but you will never have the lasting satisfaction that comes from knowing that others have your back, and would sacrifice for you and who miss you when you're gone.

I'm sorry for whatever disappointments led you to the "change of heart" you've been sharing about on A2K for the last few weeks. But if all the whining you've been doing is a reflection of the quality of faith you had, then you were always living only for yourself in the first place, so now that you're headed for "bitchdom" - there won't really be any change.
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Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 02:04 am
snood wrote:
Has got to be THE biggest load of crap that has ever crossed my lips. Well my fingertips actually. You know who makes it in this world? The people who don't allow themselves to put anything else above what they want. The people who don't become a doormat for everyone to wipe their feet on. The people who do whatever it is they need to do no matter who they hurt in the process, as long as it isn't themselves, it's all good.

Bitchdom here I come.

Well, in my opinion, the people you describe might get all the "stuff" they want, and they may get the admiration of all the people who think that the shiniest, prettiest lives are the best, but they still miss out on what's important.

That is a RELATIVE word;
it has no logical meaning unless u relate it
to some criterion; ( i.e., important to WHAT ? ).


If you **** on people and put your gain above treating people fairly,
you may get to party with the Donald Trumps,

That can be fun and worthwhile.


but you will never know what it's like to have a family and friends
and a significant other who love you and respect you.

to show the truth of this allegation.
Is there a REASON that anyone shud believe
that thay r in any way related,
or shud this assertion simply be accepted as an UNQUESTIONED SUPERSTITION ??


You may get to strut and stick out your chest for a season, but
you will never have the lasting satisfaction that comes from knowing
that others have your back,

Can u PROVE this ??
U deny that she can hire competent bodyguards ??


and would sacrifice for you and who miss you when you're gone.

Is there any VALUE to that ??
If so, what is it ?


I'm sorry for whatever disappointments led you to the "change of heart"

Will your sorrow be of any significance or value to her ?
Is that information in any way HELPFUL to her ??


you've been sharing about on A2K for the last few weeks.
But if all the whining you've been doing is a reflection of the quality
of faith you had, then you were always living only for yourself in the first place,

Is there any logical error
in so doing ??
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 03:15 am
snood wrote:
Has got to be THE biggest load of crap that has ever crossed my lips. Well my fingertips actually. You know who makes it in this world? The people who don't allow themselves to put anything else above what they want. The people who don't become a doormat for everyone to wipe their feet on. The people who do whatever it is they need to do no matter who they hurt in the process, as long as it isn't themselves, it's all good.

Bitchdom here I come.

Well, in my opinion, the people you describe might get all the "stuff" they want, and they may get the admiration of all the people who think that the shiniest, prettiest lives are the best, but they still miss out on what's important.

If you **** on people and put your gain above treating people fairly, you may get to party with the Donald Trumps, but you will never know what it's like to have a family and friends and a significant other who love you and respect you. You may get to strut and stick out your chest for a season, but you will never have the lasting satisfaction that comes from knowing that others have your back, and would sacrifice for you and who miss you when you're gone.

I'm sorry for whatever disappointments led you to the "change of heart" you've been sharing about on A2K for the last few weeks. But if all the whining you've been doing is a reflection of the quality of faith you had, then you were always living only for yourself in the first place, so now that you're headed for "bitchdom" - there won't really be any change.


Changed my mind about that response.

I suppose you believe that all this crap is happening to me because I've turned from "God" right snood?

Of course it is.

Because you see I am no longer in "His favor", therefore I must be punished.

Rather than just letting me live my life He must make my life on earth hell too.

THEN send me to eternal hell as well.

Man. What a just God you serve snood.

What a just God indeed.

Oh yes, and I must add what a fine example of this "God's" mercy and compassion you are as well.

I think I'll put on my tutu and dance right back into the arms of Jesus now.

However... point taken.

I'm done.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 01:01 pm
heph, I'm not sure how they reconcile the "loving god" with the "unforgiving" one, but they seem to be able all the time. Mystery.
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Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 01:11 pm
Yes, it is a mystery. I'm not even quite sure how I did it for so long.
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Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 05:07 pm
Folks who have died
have reported encountering a White Light of unconditional love.
I have seen such a Light, tho I have not died.

Thay have reported that on Judgment Day,
YOU are the judge, in the company of that White Light,
Who advises u not to be too hard on yourself in judging.

The judgment is rendered by 2 criteria:
1. Love
2. Learning during the incarnation in question.
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