flushd wrote:I just think differently about this than you, I guess.
Earlier in this thread, you compared strippers with "mildly retarded person[s] (not that strippers are mentally retarded - but the equivalent of disabled)". I admit I'm no expert. I only knew one girl who did a 'heavy' version of stripping for a bit, and one who was a prostitute for a long time (and no, I never saw the stripper strip and I never slept with the prostitute). They had their share of problems, for sure. But they were not stupid. Nor were they any worse a person than I am.
flushd wrote:Strippers are easy targets. Especially if you pick a drugged up one (umm, that is a lot of em). Drugs = sleep with you.
If you've known many and you say so, that must be so for many. From what I heard from the two girls I knew, it was more like what Tico described. Really, when they got off work, the last thing theyd want is some guy hitting on them for free action.
flushd wrote:I do recognize that the strippers in your part of the world are of a different stripe than the majority around here, and the majority that I have seen in my life.
We can only talk about what we know <nods>. And strippers etc, I'm sure, come in all kinds and stripes, like Tico also already kind of indicated.