The fact Michigan has no dove season is more of an oversight than anything. Someone voted it the "state bird of peace" about 100 years ago and thus it avoided the hunters aim. There are dove seasons in 40 others states already. HSUS will be visiting yours soon.
Make sure and give them a hearty welcome
Well, it's certainly no irony that you're champing at the bit to be blasting away at the state "dove of peace."
Did you mean "chomping" at the bit?
Dove Breast
Fresh Jalapenos
Cut the stem end off your fresh jalapeno, and with an apple corer remove the seeds.
Lightly salt the inside of the pepper.
Cut the dove breast into small strips.
Cut your onion into small strips.
Take a strip of dove and a strip of onion and cram them down in the jalapeno.
Place a third of a strip of bacon over the top and secure it with a toothpick through the jalapeno.
Place in a Chile Grill or similar jalapeno cooker and put in oven at 350 for 45 min, or take out to your grill and cook until the bacon is crisp.
Damn what a sad little man
Wanting the right to shoot doves is "a test of Michigan's soul"?
nimh wrote:Wanting the right to shoot doves is "a test of Michigan's soul"?
Sad commentary on Michigan, ain't it.
cjhsa wrote:Did you mean "chomping" at the bit?
No, the word is champing. Look it up, genius.
One entry found for champ.
Main Entry: 1champ
Pronunciation: 'champ, 'chämp, 'chomp
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English chammen, champen
transitive verb
intransitive verb
1 : to make biting or gnashing movements
2 : to show impatience of delay or restraint -- usually used in the phrase champing at the bit <he was champing at the bit to begin>
snood wrote:Damn what a sad little man
Yes, you are.
Hunting WILD RUSSIAN BOAR in California. Will this be next to go?
Those wild boar are friendly little critters. If they show up in your back yard, make sure to feed them daily.
nimh wrote:Wanting the right to shoot doves is "a test of Michigan's soul"?
Yes it is. Hunting is our heritage. Knuckling under to animal rights pukes like you isn't.
cjhsa wrote:Those wild boar are friendly little critters. If they show up in your back yard, make sure to feed them daily.
Yeah, I hear that those doves in Michigan can be downright mean and ugly if you are not careful.
It's a little known fact that the Hitchcock movie "The Birds" was based on Michigan dove behavior.
It's the antii-everythingers that we really need an open season on. An outdoor "retraining" season if you will.
I'll refrain from suggesting an open season on wild-eyed gun fanatics, realizing that would only serve to further fuel the paranoia apparently rampant among that crowd...
Go ahead, what are you going to do? Hire the police to disarm us for a day?
cjhsa wrote:Hunting WILD RUSSIAN BOAR in California. Will this be next to go?
Jesus thats a pathetic picture. Look at these five feeling all proud and mighty because they've succeeded in shooting one wild animal with their five modern guns. Booyaa. I bet they have small dicks.