Michael J. Fox has aired a TV spot in which he tries to garner support for a candidate who supports the expansion of stem cell research. His Parkinson's Syndrome is advancing - and what is seen in the video as he speaks are the many dyskinesias - unwanted movements - that are a result of prolonged use of anti-parkinson medications like carvidopa/levidopa.
What is Rush Limbaugh's reaction? - Well, obviously the guy is faking it.
Now, if you look at the whole transcript, Limbaugh does say he will "bigly, hugely apologize" if he is wrong, but that's only after he's blurted out that he thinks Fox has either forgotten his meds or is faking for effect.
Even after he's tried to back away from the raw poison he's just spewed, he still tries to make the point that Fox "allowing his illness to be exploited" is far worse than what the guy said about Hillary Clinton being ugly.
All this proves once again that there are no depths - none - to which the rightwingnuts will not sink.