Black man, white man and jewish man: racism and comedy ....

Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 11:11 pm
Black family is eating dinner. "Daddy, what kind of cheese dis' be?"

"It's nacho cheese!"

"How you know it nacho cheese?"

"Cuz when I was runnin' down the street with it after stealin' from da sto', da man was chasin me yellin, 'that's nacho cheese, it's nacho cheese!"
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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 11:19 pm
Pffftttttt to both of those..
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:14 pm
So from what has been posted here, I can conclude its ok to mock black people?

Is that because we view them as acceptable targets for racism and or comedy??

I am assuming the posters are not black.

Why is dengegrating black people ok?? by both white and black people in comedy?

Why is ok for white people to black comedians making racist jokes about blacks?

Are black comedians such as chappelle and rock popular because the studios like to hear black people being ridiculed and it is not ok for white people to do so but ok for blacks to do so??

Having said that, it seems its ok for Ali G to mock black people and stereo type them with ridicule.

I can also see the reluctance of people to even discuss this subject.

I wonder why?
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:22 pm
stevewonder wrote:

I am assuming the posters are not black.

Ahem Confused

Buckwheat has nothing on my black skin darling........
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:25 pm
Having said that, it seems its ok for Ali G to mock black people and stereo type them with ridicule.

For the last damn time (though it's got nothing to do with anything, really), Ali G is not a "black" character -- Ali G is a caricature of a white kid trying to be black. Not a huge point, but you've chosen a comedian with whom you apparently have very little familiarity (or, at any rate, you don't get his comedy) to hold up as your prime example.

And your assumption about the demographic makeup of your fellow posters is pretty remarkable, I think. Why did you assume that nobody on here was black, I wonder?
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:28 pm
Man, every human is a subject for comedy.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:29 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Man, every human is a subject for comedy.

Even your mama?
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:33 pm
patiodog wrote:
ossobuco wrote:
Man, every human is a subject for comedy.

Even your mama?

I laughed very hard.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:34 pm
By way of bookmarking......

We were talking, today, about racism and race-bias in the media. The points that kept coming up were 1) evidence of a lack of exposure to various racial/ethnic groups on tv and 2) the lack of dialogue about race on tv. I think the more important is the lack of dialogue. You can have all the black people (or latino, asian, etc) on tv you want, but if they are not discussing the issues of being a person of color, they might as well be white (almost). So, one of the most productive shows for evoking discussion about race was All In The Family. Archie Bunker was a total bigotted ass, but by using that character, the show could get into topics on race relations. In the same way, I think humor can be used to evoke dialogue on the subject. Humor-in-bad-taste can be used as a tool to start the dialogue.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:35 pm
patiodog wrote:
Having said that, it seems its ok for Ali G to mock black people and stereo type them with ridicule.

For the last damn time (though it's got nothing to do with anything, really), Ali G is not a "black" character -- Ali G is a caricature of a white kid trying to be black. Not a huge point, but you've chosen a comedian with whom you apparently have very little familiarity (or, at any rate, you don't get his comedy) to hold up as your prime example.

And your assumption about the demographic makeup of your fellow posters is pretty remarkable, I think. Why did you assume that nobody on here was black, I wonder?

Well lets looky here,

I dont believe the excuse that Ali is supposed to be a paradoy of a white person pretending to be black, if we are assuming this is the case, what about his other racial characters?? Borat and Bruno??
A crazy arab and a homosexual german.

Or are they some white guy having a mid life crisis?

Cohen's whole comedy based on demeaning other races, I am asking why is that not racist??

I think it is

And is stated I am assuming that the poster was not black, I was wrong in my assumption, but I would then like to ask, why is it ok for a black person to demean black people and white people to laugh at the same joke that would be deemed otherwise racist??

And would it not be racism if a black comedian did (what Cohen did to black people,) with a Jewish character??

I think that would not acceptable.

If what Cohen is doing is not racist then the 'black ministrels' were ok.

Which is racism at its sickest.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:39 pm
I think that the whole comedian making fun of other races have become excepted into todays comedy. People accept it as funny as long as its not meant in degrogatory way as pointed in the way of racsim so in other words its socialy ecceptable
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 05:40 pm
I remember getting after Slappy some years ago now when - if I'm not imagining the scenario - I got all berserk about jokes about dwarves or midgets. Well, I'd a slight association with a very disabled fellow, of something like two foot height with thalidomide arms and legs, and took offense. And I've gotten all prissy about making fun of the blind.
I still cringe at those jokes, but will absolutely defend their telling.

I guess, in the light of day, I think of humor as a safety valve. Humor going both ways is short circuited, in that there seems to be no one making jokes from the dwarf or blind communities... at least on TV.

I vote for humor over decimation by violence - and would like to see humor be more reciprocal.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:36 pm
stevewonder wrote:
patiodog wrote:
Having said that, it seems its ok for Ali G to mock black people and stereo type them with ridicule.

For the last damn time (though it's got nothing to do with anything, really), Ali G is not a "black" character -- Ali G is a caricature of a white kid trying to be black. Not a huge point, but you've chosen a comedian with whom you apparently have very little familiarity (or, at any rate, you don't get his comedy) to hold up as your prime example.

And your assumption about the demographic makeup of your fellow posters is pretty remarkable, I think. Why did you assume that nobody on here was black, I wonder?

Well lets looky here,

I dont believe the excuse that Ali is supposed to be a paradoy of a white person pretending to be black, if we are assuming this is the case, what about his other racial characters?? Borat and Bruno??
A crazy arab and a homosexual german.

Or are they some white guy having a mid life crisis?

Cohen's whole comedy based on demeaning other races, I am asking why is that not racist??

I think it is

I've already addressed the characters of Bruno and Borat. Both are there to instigate behaviorin unwitting suspects, who are then presented to the viewer so that we may laugh at what remarkable idiots they are. The whole gag with Borat is that people tolerate all of this outrageous racist, mysoginistic trash coming from Borat because they think it's just part and parcel of being Kazakh, and they don't want to be bad hosts or politically incorrect or whatever and tell him that he's a pig. Kazakhstan is chosen precisely because Cohen's target's don't know a damned thing about it.

Bruno I've seen used to variable purposes, but it's usually to torment homophobes and other assorted fools.

But I've already addressed all this with regards to Bruno's act, and you didn't respond. Perhaps I don't write clearly enough, perhaps you just don't get it, perhaps I'm wrong about the act, or perhaps the ends don't justify the means. Whatever. But you've steamrolled forward resolutely forward with your patrician sentiments without responding directly to anybody's posts.

And is stated I am assuming that the poster was not black, I was wrong in my assumption, but I would then like to ask, why is it ok for a black person to demean black people and white people to laugh at the same joke that would be deemed otherwise racist??

I was only wondering why it was that you assumed, simply from reading people's posts (to whatever degree you actually do read anybody's post), that who was what color. That seems a tad racist itself, don't you think?

And would it not be racism if a black comedian did (what Cohen did to black people,) with a Jewish character??

I think that would not acceptable.

If what Cohen is doing is not racist then the 'black ministrels' were ok.

Which is racism at its sickest.

That's your take on it. I'm not sure how familiar you are with blackface minstrel shows and with the Ali G show that you can equate the two (since I'd maintain that they come from radically different places), but whatcha gonna do?
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:37 pm
<nodding with pdog and bookmarking>
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:38 pm
Please note that my spelling and typewriting are going to hell.

Damned rotting brain.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:45 pm
Stevewonder, you're not making much of a case for yourself. First off, everyone knows it's perfectly ok to make of black people, because they're all rapists. But you may say, "well white people rape too," which is true, but it's ok when white people do it.

Second of all, Bruno is not a German homosexual, he's Austrian. And Borat is not an Arab, he's from Kazakhstan. Maybe I'm wrong and that is an Arab country, but I don't think it is. And even if it is, it doesn't matter much since those people smell like cabbage.

You've already made your point: you don't think it's ok to make fun of other races. Making fun of anyone sucks, so apparently so does comedy. Next time there's standup on tv, shut it off and go back to playing dungeons and dragons online.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:49 pm
I've not seen Ali G et al, but remember Cav really liking him...
(I'm tv-less, partially by choice and partially not).

There is a whole layer of communication that stevewonder isn't getting.

And that is the avenue that I think might be most communicative between people of different suasions.. through humor, at the same time I am aware that there is a bunch of inflaming and reaction to some cartoons.

I've said to myself that I like wit. I think of wit as a function of perspective.
Of course, one person's wit is another's arena of offensive disgusts.
And I think I differentiate real wit from humor. Not that I can expound on that.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:51 pm
Slappy, Borat is not from Kazackhstan... read up on the thread.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:58 pm
He is, osso. Lookie here:

My Speehes on Kazakhstan Embassy. Here is what I say.

Jagshemash, my name Borat Sagdiyev. I would like comment on recent advertisements on television and in media about my nation of Kazakhstan, saying that women are treated equally, and that all religions are tolerated - these are disgusting fabrications. These claims are part of a propoganda campaign against our country by evil nitwits Uzbekistan - who as we all know are a very nosey people, with a bone in the middle of their brain.
There is a man name Roman Vasilenko who is claiming to be Press Secretary of Kazakhstan. Please do not listen this man, he is Uzbek imposter, and is currently being hunted by our agents. I must further say on behalf of my government, that if Uzbekistan do not desist from funding these attacks, then we will not rule out the possibility of military intervention.
If there is one more item of Uzbek Propoganda claiming that we do NOT drink fermented horse urine, give death penalty for baking baigels, or export over 300 tonnes of human pubis per year, then we will be left with no alternative but to commence bombardment of their cities with our catapaults.
Furthermores, all claims that our glorious leader is displeased with my film, 'Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan' is lie. Infacts main purpose of Premier Nazharbayev's visit to Washingtons is to promote this moviefilm. This why together with Ministry of Information he will be hosting a screening tomorrow evening, to which he have invitate Premiere George Walter Bush and other American dignitaries - Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Gates, OJ Simpson and Mel Gibsons.
This screening will be followed by cocktail party and a discussion of closer ties between our countries at Hooters.
Thank you, I must now return to Embassy where my government need me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:59 pm
stevewonder wrote:
So from what has been posted here, I can conclude its ok to mock black people?

Is that because we view them as acceptable targets for racism and or comedy??

I am assuming the posters are not black.

Why is dengegrating black people ok?? by both white and black people in comedy?

Why is ok for white people to black comedians making racist jokes about blacks?

Are black comedians such as chappelle and rock popular because the studios like to hear black people being ridiculed and it is not ok for white people to do so but ok for blacks to do so??

Having said that, it seems its ok for Ali G to mock black people and stereo type them with ridicule.

I can also see the reluctance of people to even discuss this subject.

I wonder why?

steve....have you not read a single thing I wrote?

Or others for that matter?

You've obviously got your own agenda here, and although more than one poster as said otherwise, you persist in saying the same thing.

I can't post here if you're not going to read what is being written.
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