Chai Tea wrote:
She's volunteered to come to my house and redecorate with lime green shag carpeting, and I tell her someday I'm going to show her 101 things to do with hamburger.
And one of these here days I am going to give you some corn rows, or dookie braids..
Andrew dice clay-
Made horrid jokes about women, black people and almost any other race you can think of.
He even did it in a way that made you question HIM as the performer as to wether or not he believed what he was saying himself.
But I don't want to just continue the list of performers.
I have to agree with Chai ( she is holding one of my testicles by a pair of pliers)
It isn't WHO is saying it, or what RACE they are... it is HOW they say it.
Though, if you only go by visuals / race ...
it does seem that the black population of comedians are mostly going to throw out the nigger jokes, and have their crowd laugh at them and accept them.
Your whites throw out hillbilly jokes,
Asians camera /chinc / rice jokes
Mexicans beans / wet back/ low rider jokes...
But when I think about it in a practical sense...
a black person trying to joke about mexican culture, or life as a vato, it ain't happenin.
It isn't funny.
These jokes are funnier when you can picture the performer DOING these things in their own lives.
Are you familiar with Chappelle?
He LOVES crack head jokes.
Because he LOOKS like a crack head.
Skinny, weird, jittery... any skin color could pull that off with his body.
So he makes it more personal, and jokes about
black crack heads.
And he is hilarious.
Because we as the viewers can not only imagine him being there , but he does a good job at taking these jokes and making them so personal that it seems like a crack on himself when he says certain insults.
Margeret Cho..
another one....
She LOVES to joke about asians, and their accents, cameras and diets.
My long rambling means this -
I don't think that it is a matter of race accepting race when it comes to off color jokes.
I think it is the performer doing a good job of allowing himself to be the visual support under humorous racial attack that makes it all really funny and socially acceptable.
And, as Ms Tea said-
a true racist wouldn't be funny.