echi wrote: It's funny that you ignore my words. "Compared to religion" is the key phrase.
Maybe you don't understand or you can't see. We thought humans were the most intelligent species. Nevertheless, let us go back and take this slowly. Government is religion. Whatever you believe in, becomes your religion. Take a look at the definition of Religion
Definitions Merriam Webster:
Religion: (n) 1 a : the state of a religious *a nun in her 20th year of religion* b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 :
a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Now from the definition, One can see that a
Religion is
an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices. This then means that one of the foundations of a religion is belief which can come in the form of personal beliefs or institutionalized beliefs. Lets us now take a look at
Institutionalize: (trans vrb) 1 :
to make into an institution : give character of an institution to *institutionalized housing*; especially :
to incorporate into a structured and often highly formalized system *institutionalized values* 2 : to put in the care of an institution *institutionalize alcoholics*
Now, to
Institutionalize means to make into an institution, give character of an institution to, or to incorporate into a structured and often highly formalized system. Let us take a look at what an
Institution is
Institution: (n) 1 :
an act of instituting : ESTABLISHMENT 2 a :
a significant practice, relationship, or organization in a society or culture *the institution of marriage*; also : something or someone firmly associated with a place or thing *she has become an institution in the theater* b :
an established organization or corporation (as a bank or university) especially of a public character; also : ASYLUM 4
From the definitions, we see that an
Institution is also an
ESTABLISHMENT, or a significant practice, relationship, or organization in a society or culture . Now look back at the definition of Religion and you will see that
a religion is also a Practice. In fact, it is an
Institutionalized Practice, or the Practice of an Institution. Now, let us look at what an
Establishment and
Organization are .
Establishment: (n) 1 : something established: as a : a settled arrangement; especially : a code of laws b : ESTABLISHED CHURCH c :
a permanent civil or military organization d : a place of business or residence with its furnishings and staff e : a public or private institution 2 : an established order of society: as a often capitalized : a
group of social, economic, and political leaders who form a ruling class (as of a nation) b often capitalized :
a controlling group *the literary establishment*
3 a : the act of establishing b : the state of being established
Organization: (n) 1 a : the act or process of organizing or of being organized b : the condition or manner of being organized 2 a :
ASSOCIATION, SOCIETY *charitable organizations* b :
an administrative and functional structure (as a business or a political party); also : the personnel of such a structure
Now, from these definitions you should see that a religion is not limited to the people who visit churches and mosques. But it also encompasses governments, its political groups, and your societies.
echi wrote: The government is much more concerned with my behavior than with my thoughts.
LOL! We thought that you were more intelligent than this. Question: Where does your behavior come from?
Mindonfire wrote:The difference is that because it is your government and you love it and believe in it, you are not aware that it is controlling your mind.
echi wrote: These are baseless assumptions. You do realize that, don't you?
They are assumptions huh? We guess Iraq can't be used as Exhibit A. We guess that your fervor and eagerness to invade a country which was not directly connected to your misfortune was not caused by your love and belief in your government or religion. The evidence is overwhelming Echi. You may be in a worse state of denial that our Christian brothers. LOL!